More help please- 4* Red


As usual, depends on your roster and play style

Generic Carol

Ascend Carol only after Falcon

Generic Sumle

Not sure Sumle is worth the Hero XP for 4* 4.70

I am leveling a second Scarlett ( see notes )

Generic Falcon

If you have leveled Boldtusk, and Wilbur, then level Falcon ( see notes )


I have edited the title, feel free to change it back


Click for notes

Second Scarlett

([Repost] Twin Scarletts, Boldtusk, Falcon and Wilbur walk into a Diamond raid bar OR 3x Pseudo 5* heroes and 2x Pseudo 4.5* heroes OR Saros' Atomic mono red 4* team)


([Guide, Auto play team ] Wilbur Wonder Bots or Wilbur + Boril / Falcon + 3x Healer = Team that even the AI cannot screw up or Current favorite auto play team ( especially for VF.6-3N & VF.1-3N ))

([Guide, LB] Limit Breaking 3x Red 4* + 2x 4* Healers + 1x Pseudo 5* Counter attack hero + 4* Wu Kong OR Use loot to get loot)


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