Hey there. We’ve had some general player attrition like everyone else and could use a few new members in Might of Olympus. We’re a pretty chill alliance with good people, most of whom have been members for years.
- Peak ranking around 200 I believe, although lower now because we’re short some members
- We’ll take members with a range of team strength levels, but as a general guideline you should be able to maintain at least 2400ish trophies in raids and be able to field a defense team of 5* heroes. You don’t need to spend money or have all the latest and greatest heroes.
- 14* Titans have been farmed for years, no issues.
- We use yellow tanks for war at the moment, and purple for rush war. Though this is subject to change as appropriate.
- If you’re opted in to war, you need to use your flags. Barring legit real life emergencies, there’s not much tolerance for left flags.
- We’re not strict on the duration of opt-outs of war. If you’re on vacation or busy with work/family, there’s no problem opting out as long as necessary. It’s encouraged. It’s only a game after all.
Anyways, if you’re interested come find us and hop in and check us out.