I want her for the design too, but f2p never gets the dessert
Got her just filling my FS bar, now at 99/100. I plan to level her and even LB her. Unfortunately, the only way to test her is to see how she performs in the weekend war. Wish I had more confidense. Yikes! Here goes…
Thanks for sharing @Neotoxin , I took defense/health route and here are my stats (pretty similar). The attack up boost with LB2 could make her an interesting tank but I’m holding my aethers for now. Edit: scratch that thought, after playing with her quite a bit, she’ll never be a tank in her current form. Hopefully addressed with rebalancing.
They recently nerfed her mana gen from 20 to 14 … i dont see them buffing anything
Well there’s always room for dessert !
Good luck and may the portals show you kindness!
Match 3 will recharge but dragon will not
I was mesmerized by her beauty! As only dreamed of getting her. Within few pulls she landed in my collection.
I was kinda astonished by her special. I looked at the “-14% mana generation” part twice because I thought I missed the part where it said it stacked. Nope. It’s really just -14%. That’s lower than Telluria’s after the nerf. The other parts aren’t that great either. She could potentially do less damage than Neith, an old HotM. Maybe if her mana speed were fast that wouldn’t be so bad. Oh well. Every season has to have a dud, I guess.
Minor thing to point at from preview of the card: she still has the default holy background instead of the Sun Over Pyramids with the rest of the Sun Family.
Also hehe, we can now have our very own Sun Sphinx like those from the later provinces! Can’t wait to also have the Moon Sphinx next month (I’m presuming)!
Personally, I think the mana cut could be made bigger; do 40%. And maybe be evil and give mana stop over minor mana generation down.
My issue is the varying damage. In all honesty, I’d rather have Neith special go off. When they had her in beta, I thought the 30% mana cut was too rich. Taking it to 20 was fine but the rest of what she does is so unimpressive. They should have boasted the damage or offered mana generation for the rest of the raid team as a trade off. She will be featured again in a month or 2 while I’m expecting the data not to be very favorable. I do expect a buff but not gonna touch her until that happens
S5 has great passives but that doesn’t dismiss why I think is a ho hun special . Now, her best spot would be at a flank now with her set up I believe and there are way too many other flanks that are yellow that are so much better.
Thanks @OberWuzHere . If you can match 3 to re-charge again that’s not enough for a shut-down tank in my opinion. Wish I knew that before I maxed her LOL. Agreed with @jkdevore , I’ll categorize her as “annoying” on par with Neith, but not strong. The comparisons to Telly are sobering, hopefully she gets a buff.
Even c. Carver, a rare hero, gives all enemies -24% mana generation!
Even if her special is at -24% mana gen, the heroes still need 3 tiles to charge back at 100%
She needs to give -34% or higher mana gen so the opposing heroes take 4 or more tiles to charge… that’s based on original charging no mana gen buffs included
I completely agree, and given all the crazy heroes they’ve been releasing lately, this totally underpowered hero stands out even more. I mean, Queen Guowang deals 330% damage to all plus some other great things at average speed. Makes Meresankh seem like a practical joke. It would be great if instead of getting a specific featured hero we got a placeholder and the option of choosing any one of the featured heroes because either of the other two would be better.
I disagree, she will be lit on offense. Cut mana and mana generation. The more mana the harder she hit!! Thats like all the heros rolled into one. Plus the passive and family bonus! Im happy i got her. Cant wait to train up. And max out!
Why would you use on monsters? Raid, raid defense regular raid defense, war, 3k, challenge events, etc.
If no mana, she deals 150% damage.
I have tested her on offense, defense, and fought one 2LB tank. Based on findings so far, she’s not tank material at all. Her blind for 2 turns is insignificant, making her a support hero at average speed for mana control and DoT. An average hero with above average stats.