Mene – 5* Ice / Blue - November 2024 HOTM (Hero of the Month) -- Initial Release

And what do you do if your best blue is Ghealach and your newest (@370) is Chester?

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What on earth is that about? Why should a hotm be anatomically correct? And engaging, that’s relative.

What´s the question? Out of the 3? Last place for the hotm, by a mile.


It can always be disengaging. :+1:

But, when that may be happening, it could help W&P if people comment. But I’m also happy if others have different views. The linked video can also be worth a watch.

Telluria was badass in ways far beyond just her amazing game performance.


What i meant was how long can you wait for a decent blue heroes. I love Ghealach, but in wars i need more than one.

Well mine went to SE 18 months ago. She was good once upon a time, but really only if paired with Vela.

Her artwork was okay.

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Well as I said, if you got nothing else, but you are swimming in mats, then ascend whoever you got, you´re not loosing much…

It´s the swimming in mats part that decides in that case, say you have 20+ mats in a colour, it´s extremely unlikely you get 3 more blue uber 5stars tomorrow, especially if you don´t spend a ton. So who cares if you use 6 for a garbage hero you use 3 times and then toss into a corner, because he sucks? And maybe you get lucky and actually like him,as you say if you only have 2 other heroes any 3rd hero will be useful, no matter how bad.

The only thing I would always recommend, before upgrading a mediocre 5star: Look at your 4 stars first. Maybe there´s a good one there, give em some LBs etc and you probabaly have something similar stats wise to a 5star you don´t feel like wasting aethers and emblems on… A 4 star is cheap to LB/emblem.
And in blue there are quite a lot of very strong 4stars, I would most definitely prefer over this guy here… Toon Grimm (makes a better pair with Gealach) and Toon Kiril (OK not really a substitute for a hitter, but still worth investing in more) and Greg would be my top 3 blue 4stars and the advantage with them is, you can also do well in 4 star tourneys with them, unlike this guy here. Other 4stars I would consider are: Bonechill, Xiaohu Dun, Azmia, maybe even Triton Costume.

So lots of heroes I would upgrade before I touched this guy even if I had the mats lying around on a pile.


Kiril is A tier but 4* hitters like Toon Grimm arent really viable above 2800 trophies or thereabouts, they just dont do enough damage. 325% to a single target with an attack of only 1150 (2lb and emblemed) is a waste of time. And his defence is so low that he’s just gointg to get one-shot killed anyway. Greg probably doesnt do enough either.

The good 4* heroes are the ones that have general utility, not hitters. And you kind of need to build them full defence so they dont get killed easily, especially if you dont have a matching legendary troop. So healers like Melandor/Kiril, or useful abilities like Li Xiu or maybe C2 Caedmon if you dont mind a full defence embleming.

I tried to make (full attack build) C2 Colen work since i dont have many red 5*s but its just not possible,he dies too easily


Of course but that is completely besides the point.
We are talking about a comparison with a hero that only does 280% damage (with 1079 attack) btw my Grimm has 1313 attack :slight_smile: And we are talking to a player that only has 1 Ghealach as blue attacker and nothing else. You are not going to find her above 3k cups. I would not suggest Grimm in a thread about Whitefang or any other meta hero as an alternative… but he is better than this garbage hotm here.

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Agree that Telluria was one of the more interesting HotM introduced …however she now sits in my roster broken and stripped…
We must move forward and adapt …if you look at past HotM trends…at least this one is not a total waste of the token used to pull her.


Thanks Gargon i actually spend quite a bit though definitely not on whale level and it worked out well in all colours - except blue. In red i got 8 really great heroes in a couple of months. Nothing in blue though I levelled all the blue 4* you mentioned and more. I know it’s just RNG, but im seriously going up the wall when another red hero falls from the hero heaven right into my waiting arms. Grimsteel and Ghealach is nice, but in wars? Doesn’t work. As for mats. Got enough for 2 heroes. I levelled up Atlantea, silly me. So…look i know there’s nothing you can suggest really and your advice was good. Guess i needed to rant a bit.

Oh! One question: would you recommend levelling Ceto? Most of our targets in wars are 6500 - 7000.


Would say another hero that´s a better choice than this this one… But as you can guess I think most blue 5ers are better :smiley:

And to add another one: Krampus is freely available from FS… of course another non-damage hero, but a good blue hero and if they soon start selling costumes for gems as in beta, you will be able to get his costume soon as well… same is true for Alasie (although without the costume she´s really crap) and CAlasie most definitely is a good blue hitter.

Then I see no need for this guy here at all, you already have multiple heroes that are better and you have no reason at all to max a worse one and then never play it…

Who doesn´t… The one thing that unites all E&P players these days, no matter if they are FTP or whales :smiley:


I find Atlanteia to be useful. Her DoT is killer.


Thanks Gargon, you really made me feel better. And that’s worth more than you know. :kissing_heart:


Thanks Fishpea. I used her numerous times and she really doesn’t work for me. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t work for me. Maybe im using her the wrong way.


Finally a decent hotm. Mana generation on frost damage makes her very useful against tanky teams. She could disspell before hitting as that is limiting her use. Overall not bad. We could get another Zora


Happy to pull her. I needed new blue project


Yeah, a lot of folks miss the importance of roster synergy.

Lots of folks dislike Sini, and I do see why. But for my roster she pairs well with King Arthur and Toon Kiril in my second tier 3/1/1 blue team. Plus, replacing Jott with her in my titan team has been great. Niche? Yes. But a niche I could fill.

I personally don’t have any frost heroes other than Skadi (no costume) so Mene wouldn’t add much to my roster. Although I’d probably hold onto her in case I got one in the future (And didn’t have a pressing Soul Exchange need).


I replaced Alexandrine (anyone still remember her?) with Sini on my mono blue titan team. That by itself was worth the mats.

I plan to use Mene with the wonderfully fast, double lb Mr. Pengi that I have. I personally prefer buff blockers mainly because I had El Naddaha on my A-team for a very long time and developed a play-style around that. Everyone has to work with what they have.


Fair and sensible, though my comment was that:

I just think that the art was far more engaging in the past, less with modern day slimes, and freaky-looking elves…

People like to game with attractive, engaging characters, that don’t look checked out.

This provides some good reference to studies:

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