[May 22, 2019] ๐Ÿ”ต Trials of Decimation Guide & Teams โ€“ Share Yours & Discuss!

Boldtusk & Kasshrek

I have both of them and I brought Boldtusk. Should I have brought him? :smirk:

Maybe on the next one. :grin:

Proteus :heart_eyes:

Only troops level.

Barely any effect.

Used items: 8x Healing Potions, 3x Super Healing Potions, 9x Mana Potions:

Waiting for Boldtusk/Hu Tao and Proteus/Kiril to reach 4/70.


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I had one team change from last time. Having just ascended Poseidon last night, he promptly elbowed past my 3.60 Sumitomo and decreed that he was prepared for battle. I delayed starting the final trial to make sure he packed on a few easy levels.

Aside from having to use some minor heals on poor Kiril (STOP PICKING ON ME BECAUSE Iโ€™M SHORT) in the opening screen, I made it to the final bosses with everyone ready to go.

I alternated Proteus and Onatel, firing one of them every two rounds, and dropping tiles on them at will. I was able to keep the board moving well enough to keep the debuffs in place, effectively tying their hands. I actually started working on Balthazar first, but the tiles went the other way.

It didnโ€™t take long before Ulmer stood alone. It didnโ€™t take much longer before he fell, as well.

I really liked the additional tile damage having a third holy hero brought to the table. I canโ€™t wait to try this again with a fully leveled Poseidon. I like to think that the slight defense bonus from the Atlantis family helped keep Proteus around, as well.

The fighter emblems will go to Delilah, the wizard emblems toโ€ฆtoโ€ฆtoโ€ฆthe giant pile I have yet to allocate because I fail at making hard decisions. The trainer will wait on my next 5* dark hero (Seshat, perhaps).

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I really enjoyed your fetz!