May 2023 TENTATIVE Calendar (Trials, Rare Quests, Mirages Of Omega, Aether Summon, Tower Of Magic, Atlantis, Covenant Summon, Valhalla, Dynasty Of Dunes, Tavern Of Legends, Mighty Pets, MT, Contest Of Elements, Underwild, SE, and Ninja Tower)

SE should open on 17th as per the cycle. Hopefully there is one, Need to dump a lot of cards and make space.


I wonder if Kalevala will get costumes or they will just release 2 new heroes :slight_smile:


I’ve added the Portuguese calendar by @Junim / @IsaHurricane; thank you both!


I noticed that the quick reference is missing the new day 2 deal for AR I was trying to remember the details about it. I think it was 500 coins for $5

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I will check it out and update when I update with any date confirmations/additional info this week.


The entire reason why the Kalevala event is in the summer is because Midsummer in Finland is one of the most important holidays of the year, and it is celebrated during the last Saturday of June, so it would be culturally insulting to delay the Kalevala event until after that. It would be like setting the Christmas event for January.


Ok, thanks for info, didn’t know Kalevala is that important. Did read the story (poor Aino) but didn’t know the Finnish habits around it.

Anyway, that means that we’re looking on Summer Beach having 2, 3 weeks tops in that case.

Also, I assume no change on next Covenant heroes (portal is in 3 days)? I’ll skip it then most likely.


as always, a very big thank you to all those involved in making and sharing these!


Does anyone know when the next Soul Exchange is, or when the Summer Solstice sale would be?

For some reason I thought one of these would be in May, but maybe they’re both supposed to be in June or July?

SE should be in May according to Petri.

Last year Solstice was in June.

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But it (SE) isn’t in the calendar!!

Patience, it is soon. There are a number of items on which we’re waiting to receive further details. I am hoping in the next day or two for some answers.


solstices is 21th june

Last year the Solstice summon was on June 1st :slight_smile:

But it will be later this year for sure based on V58 Beta Schedule


I was referring to the actual solstice haha (shortest/longest day in year)


Tiny last minute update :wink:


I have updated my calendars to remove Monster Island, fix the trials rotation, and raid tourneys, and update Suzuna’s Easy-Breezy Aura info.

Images Calendar and B&W Calendar by Zartanis (Updated May 4)

Quick Reference by Zartanis (Updated May 4)

French Calendar by Zartanis (Updated May 4)


Thats better! But why not Louhi and Laohu? :crazy_face:

This will give the troops a good bit more time to go over, each players roles in our fam… cant lie i am in between bein glad, we got more time, & a lil sour, cause we have a strategy planned out, & now just gotta hold off on knowing if strat works or folds, we gotta hold off the test 2 months & 2 weeks… all good… may have more ideas to implement in to july 19th monster island… :metal:

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Thank you Zartanis for this

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