[Master] -- đŸ‘» Soul Exchange

I don’t know that. All i’m doing is giving my honest opinion. I was over the moon when i got her, and yes, you can speed her up, but overall, she doesn’t work for me. Maybe she is the right hero for people with a different play style or roster, but i can only speak for myself.

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We’re all just giving our opinions, it’s not a problem.

Do you have Ludwig?

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Again, I run mono on all teams. I have Ludwig on my main mono purple team, but I also have Hawthorne giving mana to Ludwig so he goes off quicker.

These slow taunt heroes are tough but ALL of them need help going off. Consider them having erectile dysfunction and they need that little blue pill, which are mana boosters, to ‘go off’.

There’s your e&p strategy AND health lesson all in one, you’re welcome!


Not charges lol but heals
 If she was charging herself it might be a beast

 she gives herself the +44% mana generation too lol, that’s the whole point.

She charges herself with her own mana generation, which means she’ll go off in 8 tiles, but Ludwig still needs 12. Ludwig charges those around him.

And yes, she heals herself, I’m talking about giving herself more mana production, something Ludwig does do. I know the difference

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Yeah, unlike Ludwig the fact she heals herself and gives mana generation to herself is enough for me to warrant her lol.

Let alone giving defense to all, etc.

Phenexa is very close but I don’t have enough pure buff heroes to really take full advantage of the choice.


Y[quote=“Soulwarden, post:11271, topic:261288, full:true”]
We’re all just giving our opinions, it’s not a problem.

Do you have Ludwig?

Soulwarden, yes, I have him. I use him for his mana in VF wars. I haven’t seen a hero who does the same thing as Ludwig. His stats need a boost though.

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Compare them outside of VF wars


Ludwig’s speed is definitely a problem and the reason i only use him in VF. I was lucky, i got Deadboot and Medea recently, so don’t rely on him in other wars any more.

That’s a very good point. Then Queen Anne wins.


Phenexa is great, but I already have Vanya, Hathor, Ignacio, and Timothy as red healers, I don’t need another.

I also have Jequn, Silvaria, Matilda, Himeros, M&M, and Tinsel.

My green team is my worst so the logical choice for me is Queen Anne. That doesn’t fit for everyone. We each need to look at our roster and pick someone that will help us the most, period. If this list isn’t for you, skip it, the lists will get better as the months pass.

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Yeah it appears no special (combination ive tried e.g. pophit then pepperflame or vive versa or using the s5 mummy after either of those two) trigger 2ndary effects anymore.

I even tried El Duque and Domiventus with Pepperflame, the only ones that trigger it are Tinsel and Athena

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I use ludwig in all wars save for equalizer. and even then, I occasionally use him. He’s not that hard to charge. 20% mana troop plus emblem mana, allows him to go off in 10 tiles, add a 10% mana chunk and bam
 9 tiles
 be it xnolphod or ray or hathor

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If I understand correctly, even after the latest change to Starwalker/Pepperflame “punishing defense down,” presumably if Starwalker/Pepperflame tags a team before Queen Anne fires, then when Queen Anne fires she will trigger the punishment clause on everyone so tagged.

This is a reason to break down what a hero does in detail, not because people are incapable of thinking for themselves — but because the details can matter.


If you mean increasing her defense, then this is unlikely to trigger the secondary effect. I didn’t see this with Anna, but Vivica ignores the trigger, increasing her defense.

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Gonna take costume panther
Heroes stats are not too outdated comparéd to thé other options, Can bé use full in évents, mythic, War and liké everyone i took panther in currently fated so it would bé 2 for thé Price of one

I liké green knight but his stats are too weak and they will release his costume soon, so giving 20 souls for him now would feel liké being scam


they should do. :+1:

I think I’ll take Pepperflame, keep seeing her name pop up a lot, must be good!