[Master] -- 👻 Soul Exchange

It seems Soul Exchange heroes are now confirmed by @Elioty33


I was probably going to refresh at the 84% or 100% mark or if i really needed the health. Either way i really like the flexibility

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You can’t refresh it after 100% though, no? Because you get 100% only after firing tiles and buffs end afterwards, so you won’t get the chance to refresh it on your next turn, because those buffs are over…

Tinsel currently can trigger Starwalker, because of her scalable DD. It may be a bug that SG over saw and in the future could be fixed as well. But outside this, Tinsel is still an excellent card with her potential High DD and blind.


Yep, it’s great to have the option for sure! Just something to keep in mind :grinning:

True! It’s honestly rarely an issue, just something to keep in mind so you know which you need to prioritise at the time.

Appreciate the good word for her but I’d only get her if it triggered Starwalker as that card is useless now.

That said, $100 says they never respond to this question before SE comes and goes:

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Tinsel has a scalable DD meaning tiles determine the DD. SO SG’s stupid quality team over looked this for now. Knowing SG, they will definitely patch this pretty soon.
Cards that can still trigger secondary for now are Frigg, Tinsel, Guan,
Sun Shangxiang. There may be others, but this is all i can remember for now.

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Barkley 15 and Phenexa 20… i can stretch to 20 but might take Barkley instead


Joqun for 20 is an good option?

No… He is garbage now… Useless

I am considering taking him, but he’s 1.5 years old, which is a lot even considering Super-Elemental Heroes got the biggest stat buff during that massive buff SGG did. And I don’t see him that often on defense anymore. On the other hand he could be fun and I like his special’s animation, and those Gems he generates by just being on the field are very annoying sometimes.

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Tribl, not suspicious at all. The number of souls are guesses. Thats all.

Even when he was newly launched, he wasnt so scary. He does a lot of things but doesnt excel anywhere. And now there are ailment blockers in LB2 by default. He wont even tickle the enemies.

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The tentative winner will be announced shortly, as well as all results being updated:


He does 300-400 damage to all out of 3.5 k you really have good stuff smoking:)) I don’t even have starwalker but I wouldn’t even level him now.you would need maybe 6 Star walker’s in your team to finish a 3,5-4k team

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Going back to the topic phenexa is a great choice! Just put her in your team and you can equip all your fast heroes with legendary troops and still fire in 7 tiles!


Trust me, I lost my temper with him, I have no time for narrow-minded people like him.

The winner has been announced, check it out over on the post!


I’m glad they put both Queen Anne and Green Knight in! Will def got with Q.A. at 15 if C.G.P. will cost 20. Was hoping she’d be for 10.