[Master] -- đŸ‘» Soul Exchange

So everyone’s over Ludwig but not Queen Anne? :thinking: :sweat_smile:

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I have Laohu at 3/70 but I barely use him just against Waterpipe or LOTL in some situations. I prefer the charge heroes

But I’m really leaning towards the rocket dog.

Well yeah, Ludwig + Phenexa = neverending Taunt and specials from second Ludwig’s flank unless dispelled. Queen Anne + Phenexa = neverending taunt if you have good board.

Dunno whom I am taking. I wanted my first Super-Elemental Hero but Craum decided to join my roster from Solstice Summon. Now not so hot about Jequn. Have Phenexa. Maybe that Pug or Queen Anne? Or Panther because I have base maxed and given that SGG seems keen to buff costume bonus so far it’s probably the best long term investment?

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Phenexa isn’t in the equation here right now, either way I could easily dispel it with those two, this is more interesting for those who have Ukkonen.

I actually like Queen Anne more, she offers more versatility and is better for PvE.

You can’t get over that Starwalker can you?

He is a balanced fast hero.

Doesn’t really matter at this point, she’s the only costumed one here, she’s okay - not amazing, and with the crap they’re pulling no one will matter soon.

Tell me how he’s “balanced”, he does no damage, and his DD effect will hardly ever trigger now and when it does it’ll be due to a healer who heals the entire team more than the damage he did to begin with.

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This is awesome! I’m getting Queen Anne and using her with Winifred. Winifred makes slow heroes go off in 10 tiles, so they both are basically average heroes!


Have to leave that to SG’s Ministry of Truth! :rofl:

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Well he does 200% damage to all +450 if boosted health on fast mana, never misses a targed, resist poison, defense down with extra damage when cleansed
 what else would you exoect from a fast card.

Don’t know what you’re on but if this is not balanced, you need to look at other fast, hit all cards to understand.


the hero that people pulled for?


Whoo hoo! Phenexa here I come :blush:

No hard decisions this time :laughing:


Mmm not a very good list this time. May consider Nyx, Queen Anne or C Panther, but it depends on how many souls they’ll be.

Here is my Titan team against Green
 Does phenexa replace any of these? I’m leaning towards no.


Isn’t Ray and Falcon redundant? Both have EDD for titans but that’s it. Phenexa could go instead of Falcon.

Anyhow AoE Attack up and Crit Up is way too good to pass. I use Phenexa for Titans and Challenge events.

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Are you guys struggling with titans? Titan improvement is the least deciding factor for me.


His second charge is stackable added attack v green.

Phenexa will fit in with a Ludwig or a counter attack team. I’m just asking if she would be better on my Titan team since they are 3 an 4*

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I actually had to look up what 2nd Ray’s charge does, since it was about this time I got lost in heroes and their specials. Thing is C-Wilbur caps attack bonuses from other sources anyway. But, you could use Phenexa and 1st charge of Ray, however Ray has lower EDD than Falcon, but you would get extra crit, same attack bonus and better attack from higher Phenexa’s stats, because Falcon has low stats overall and yours isn’t even talented. But it’s up to you, of course.

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She’s great on titans, the attack up, crit chance and buff refresh are all awesome.

Just a note in using her with ludwig though, be careful with the timing or you’ll cut back the mana gen to the smaller amount when she refreshes the buff. Not always a big deal because the constant mana gen is great too, but if it’s on the final turn of 100% mana and you fire phenexa it can be a PITA.