[Master] -- šŸ‘» Soul Exchange

I saw his screen shots and in my mind I said,

Fā€™ no, Iā€™m not doing your homework for you.

So I tip my cap that you were willing to do the effort.

I save my sting for when people are rude :wink:

And in any case, this time you can be the bad cop, and I be the good cop :wink:


Cut the :boom:blah :boom: & NOW you have to PICK :fire: Yan Mai ā€¦.:grinning::smiling_imp:


I second that, @notyou87 i recommend Yang Mai, so you wonā€™t have a tough time deciding anymore :joy:

or better yet, donā€™t take anyone this SE :stuck_out_tongue: feed your dupes to Laohu to level him up faster :stuck_out_tongue: (what do you think @dansing , better suggestion? :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: )


Now @sleepyhead ā€¦. bravo :raised_hands: ā€¦. I feel, you are going to be safe ā€¦. (Sigh of relief :sweat_smile:)

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tsk @dansing , you need to have more faith in me, youā€™ve seen my fangs come out before :wink: you donā€™t need to teach me to be a bit :smiling_imp:

anyway, so my post isnā€™t all just teasing, I also considered Xiaotu - but decided on Cupido overall. I have some other minion counters now anyway, not really needing a Red sniper, but could definitely use more Red mana control.

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Iā€™m kinda waffling between Narcissa and Ekanite.

I never had a bard. Iā€™ m weak in greens and would be able to lvl Ekanite with no mats bottleneck.

I have zero mats and ascension items for red or Cupido might have been a consideration.

I have the bunny and she is as good as everyone says, makes waterpipe look impotent :laughing:

I guess Narcissa pairs well with Erlang Shen

If I take Ekanite I have Ruby as my only other ninja :ninja:

Some thinking :thinking: ahead

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Well my Snow White is fully maxedā€¦ Iā€™m waiting impatiently for her costume. As soon as I seen her in Soul Exchange, my decision was made.

Hey, i canā€™t even remember who else is in this SE. :upside_down_face:


I fought an LB1 Anne a few moments ago, and here you can see the result. Strangely, didnā€™t defeat Joon (C1, non LB) and in general didnā€™t do that much (and I donā€™t consider my yellow team a good one, apart from Vivica). Just for the ones still considering her.


Good choiceā€¦ as from my experience, I find Cupido to be the topmost hero in the 15 for the most of IMPACTs he createsā€¦

  • Self direct damage & family bonus additional heal.
  • indirectly by mana control mindless ailment which buys time and many times creates wins.
  • indirectly Heal of allies
  • Passives are cool.

Thatā€™s a lot of stuffā€¦ and useful stuff :wink:

(Now I am scared of the Fangy @sleepyhead & if anyone bugs meā€¦ they better watch out, as I am sending you as my henchman :grinning: )



Wrong analysisā€¦ against the wrong team.

Also, you donā€™t call your holy team any greatā€¦but have got EDD & DD in itā€¦ Interesting logic :grinning:

Anne is NOT just a SNIPER as quite a good number of people seem to be saying / thinkingā€¦

I have made a test video few days back and have shown the host of things she does and creates for allies to deal with.

Hence, put her in a quality team and its devastationā€¦

  • In the above picture, I donā€™t know what the tank was but the other 3 heroes are nothing greatā€¦ I would use a combo of heroes that are IMPACT -3 and ALL to use Anneā€™s ailment and WIN it.

She isnā€™t in the Tier-20 by accidentā€¦ :wink:

Enjoyā€¦ and see the team she is with in this videoā€¦ :grinning:


Anne will go for offence with these types of alliesā€¦

And will be on defence with these types teamsā€¦.

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Thanks for the comment on my team :smiley:

I was actually talking about the defense of my team :face_with_hand_over_mouth: and was referring purely to Anneā€™s attack in this case, but yeah, there are much more variables to consider :+1:

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:grinning: Hmm, got itā€¦

And would be super useful against FAST-er speed heroes who love to fire their specials quicklyā€¦ and they would suddenly become SLOW speed with mana, attack & defence ailmentsā€¦

Personally wanted her & never got herā€¦ so she is on the shortlist with :sun_with_face: Dabsā€¦ the reviver !

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I have Anne so Dabria for me. Also, Liturgy of the Fallen is pretty metal name for a special skill. :metal:


I wish I was in your kinda situationā€¦. As I want bothā€¦.

Iā€™m just wondering, if Snow Whiteā€™s costume gives 5% mana bonus, would it really make a difference to choose the 2% mana node in the Ranger class talent grid?

I honestly have no idea. :sweat_smile:

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If you want/plan to use her on defense too, every bits of mana count! So yea, it could make a real difference in some fights.

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Plug it inā€¦ Troops, 5% costume and emblemā€¦ And maybe a bardā€¦ See whatcha get.

This is only offensively though.

Iā€™m just waiting for the 24th, so I can finally mass train my heroes