🧞 [MASTER] Mythic Titan Event - FAQ & Discussion

Wow, less than 700k participants? That’s…very low…

it includes a lot. I thought earlier, EP players are only about 100,000 people left. Lol

I stopped doing it myself because my laptop can’t handle E&P anymore for my alt account. I appreciate this number and added it to my tracking.

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I used all 12 attacks with pretty minimal items. I would say 10-15 mana pots of mixed sizes between small and medium, 5-10 titan banners because I found I have over 100, maybe 10 axes. Most attacks I used no items.

I’m managed top 5% total and 10% single. That netted me 110 emblems and an EHT. That is a fantastic return on investment as a FTP.

Maybe, but you still need certain paywalled heroes. I am a FTP who wanted to try and get every MT avatar during one of the circuits. I got 3 of 5. The other 2 I cannot get until I get certain heroes. No amount of items will over come the deficit as I have tried more than once to “buy” the avatar with items.

The damage people put out now on their top teams out paces planning, emblems, and items if you don’t have those heroes unfortunately. That makes MT unique in the sense that it is literally impossible for certain people to get top 1% cumulative. All other events you can replay and flask or use items to compensate.

The difficulty is compounded because more people realize this, don’t have the heroes, and don’t participate. It used to be if you were top 10k you were top 1%. It is down to like 6500. Most the top 1% don’t even use all their attacks, they just watch near the end and use another if they fall out.

In the 2 I couldn’t do I get like top 1.5%. I lose at the end when the other people with the right heroes throw another attack to boost me out. It almost effortless for them.

It’s not just Pengi, although he is a big player on the blue one when you can’t D drop. On the others where D drop is possible there are a handful of combos for the big scores. Even then, you need Franz and other very difficult to get heroes. Played every CoK and Christmas, I still have no Franz or Buster for example.

Honestly I don’t think they fix this either. I think they just let these cycle until they cancel it. It is a pretty broken event though if you’re competing. The only way I like it is by basically going through the motions for 20-30 minutes over 2 days I get over 100 emblems, some coins, and food crates.



I forgot about hitting the MT until about 30 minutes to the end, got in 6 hits, I think. I’m probably not the only one who hit late, so numbers taken too early can be a little misleading

I wonder if there are any plans for developers to fix this event? It was fun at the begining (altough It was always the case that without a specific hero in a given color there was no way to score high enough to get 1%) but now when everyone from top uses mostly the same team for every color in became so boring that this is the event I skip almost in it’s entirety most of the times.
Since there are no posts in this thread even though we are in the middle of thos event I guess I’m not the only one.

I actually tried harder on this one mostly because I had hurricanes and scrolls of alteration from POG and other stuff. I have a good team against blue titans so figured let’s try.
This was the first time I got over 1 million on all first of my 3 flags, and on one of them I scored 1.5 million.
I ran out of good items after those first 3 or 4 flags so didn’t do as good on all the rest after those, but right now I am sitting at 5.9 million total, which is by far my best ever score.

Does anyone know what kind of score I need to stay in the top 1%?
Best attack was 1.5 million
Overall score is 5.9 million with 3 flags left.


Great work! It can be hard to forecast because we don’t know participation numbers. And a lot of people use all their flags at once at the end of the event. Yesterday when I checked on my son’s account under 400K people had participated so top 1% was tight. But hopefully those numbers will rise throughout the day today!

I have this avatar so I tried to look up what I got for total damage last time it ran around and unfortunately I can’t find it. But I think you’re in good position right now. I would go hard on your last 3* flags and try! Best of luck :crossed_fingers:


My Blue team attack/mana is at -34% or whatever, do you think I should still try using those or try a different team? I used mono purple for my last 2 or 3 and scored about 500k on those.

Blue team is Miki, Franz, Jott, cMagni and cPerseus.

When the mana gen gets that low I always would advise switching to a different mono team. Even if it’s not the desired color. Especially because you’ll get that 20% boost for using the heroes for the first time. Any team outside of red where you have a good DD an EDD would be great. Plus of course a Tarlak, Wu Kong, etc even if off color (so 4:1 I’d needed). I don’t have Miki but have multiple MT avatars from using Tarlak and Wu Kongs.

This late in the game 500K is still solid. Your first 9 flags averaged around 655K+ which is well above the overall average of what is normally needed for top 1% (although every MT varies or course).

I’ve missed the avatar by 100K or 200K before and it’s painful which is why I always advise going all out. But hopefully you’re having fun with it either way! I’m rooting for you :blush:

I guess next I will use red or yellow. I think maybe red could be ok on a red titan because I have both Zenobia AND Flip that I can use, a long with Wilbur.

It was definitely a nice feeling getting 1.5 million - and not looking at the leaderboard for everyone who has 2.5 million :rofl:

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Duh! Facepalm. :woman_facepalming:t2: Yes you’re totally right. Red would be fine. I meant to say green initially but the brain is a bit slow today. Got myself all mixed up on what color the MT was for a moment there! You got this :crossed_swords:


I did the same stupid noob move this time as last time and use a green titan teams for the first 3 flags…ugh!!


@notyou87 can I bother you and ask what your current rank is for total damage? I’m trying to help out an alliance buddy get an idea if he’s in range for top 1%. Thanks so much!

You’re not alone in making this kind of mistake! I’ve done it on regular titans far too many times. Sorry it happened on MT though. That’s a special kind of frustration!!

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Amazing work!!! I feel confident you’ve got the avatar and other 1% loot :raised_hands: And thank you for the help. Much appreciated.

Has anyone tried using Lord Loki on the Ifrit? Does it give a buff to the tiles?

Update: yes, Loki does buff the tiles.


Just for me for future reference:


