šŸ§ž [MASTER] Mythic Titan Event - FAQ & Discussion

I confirm it kinda works. Not as good as Pengi, butā€¦ 861k is not bad at all!! It will still put me in top 1%!

I havenā€™t researched HA 10 yet, i am still only upgrading my food storages to do this hahaha
It takes forever when you donā€™t buy the VIP, to upgrade buildings, on at a time.

If they want to make QoL improvements, this is a start, donā€™t make people get so bored having to wait 7+ days for a building to upgrade.

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For sure, I hear ya. I am F2P so I get how long everything feels. Luckily you can get Jackal a little sooner. He comes from HA8.

Good luck


New personal best for me this go, whoo hoo!



Had a nice first hit so I went for top 1% total damage too. I guess this huge bump is the result of adding C.Vivica to my roster.

Month Color Att % Att Rank Att Dmg Tot % Tot Rank Tot Dmg Ally Rank Ally Dmg Players
Jan21 Dark 5% 18,976 341,319 5% 16,904 1,752,020 1,372 25,845,679
Jun21 Dark 1% 9,106 349,702 1% 7,611 1,931,610 1,568 20,172,613 1,175,178
Nov21 Dark 1% 4,895 444,353 1% 5,839 2,415,987 1,307 26,315,114 1,060,145
Mar22 Dark 1% 6,433 497,333 1% 4,934 2,794,884 3,140 15,073,982 814,551
Dec22 Dark 1% 3,247 748,564 1% 5,323 3,445,156 475 47,802,701 737,085


Congrats @Ruskin505! Did you manage top 1% without double Pengi, Glenda, Franz too?


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Thank you. Yes my best team was c.viv-guardian jackal-inari-joon-drake (didnā€™t use drakes special).
My second best team was c.viv 3/70 - dup jackal not lb - mist - Uraeus (no special) - bertulf.

C.viv is the most premium hero here. Inari, drake, and Uraeus weā€™re for attack stat and no real synergy bonus.

I did use hurricanes, tornadoes, and scrolls on my highest attack. I also used tornados and time stops in subsequent attacks. But thatā€™s why I have >600 of each. Plenty of iron and not enough uses.

I do have Glenda, but no pengi. No franz either.


Nice performance. I think I have never been in top1% in any Mythic titans :slight_smile:

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Awesome, nice work.

Why did you not fire Drake and Uraeus? I know Uraeus makes a minion if thatā€™s it, but does Drake?


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Congrats with the achievement but thats still pretty rubbish loot for top1ā€¦ :unamused::unamused: thought my top5 was bad but its just a bit lower in amount of emblems

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Itā€™s not that bad. 2 ETTs, 200 emblems, and 22 tornadoes for 30 minutes or less of effort. Not sure another event comes close.

On MTs I already have avatars of I use no items so I can stockpile and try in ones I am missing. Using all 12 attacks with just normal titan items gets top 10% or top 25% depending. That netted 60 emblems for just going through motions.

Itā€™s a good event. I just wish more people participated


Uraeus is definitely minions. Drake has an elemental link that gives attack up and I didnā€™t want to trigger the damage reduction.

I didnā€™t even look at the loot. But is that rubbish?
4 tokens, 200 emblems, 22 tornadoes, 2 scrolls, plus free food. Whatā€™s rubbish about that?
Or is it just rubbish compared to 5% loot?

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Maybe rubbish compared to food costs of Hunter Lodge items? I am just guessing, I think itā€™s a good trade personally.

Nice work @Ruskin505


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food isnā€™t required for the hunters lodge items I used. I get plenty via gifts from my great alliance or other rewards. I only used five scrolls and hurricanes. Not exactly expensive. Having said that, I have >100 of each because I have crafted some. I just donā€™t use them

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I am debating if I gear up for the Gilgamesh avatar in February. Looking at my roster I would need to rely on a couple of 3ā€™s on later teams that are 55 +20.

Does anyone have experience bringing 3ā€™s on extreme difficulty? Do they survive two hits or are one shot? Do you just bring revive scrolls to do what needs to be done?

Thanks for the input!


Iā€™ve brought a few rare heroes and only battle on extreme: Nordri, Bertulf, Melia
I either am using them on my big first attack where their defense doesnā€™t matter or Iā€™ll bring revive scrolls for the later attacks. I have so many I consider them to be very cheap so I use them freely along with some minor mana (also cheap) and I can get the value I need out of them.
I think Iā€™ve even used my dup Nordri that is only 3/50.


Thanks @Ruskin505 . My hope is to use Maeve on later teams and even Edelaide as a late booster. Weā€™ll see how it goes.

Good luck.



Oh yeah, now that you mention it, Iā€™ve used Maeve, Dolgoon, and Kornel too.


When is there something done about the penguin in myth titans?
Again in top 20 teams that are scoring biggest hits, most of them have the non flying birdā€¦ It even canā€™t fly! Fake bird.
Total of purple heroā€™s used in top 20 can be counted on 1 handā€¦
Again very very roster dependant if you can score high or not. If you do not have the fake bird, youā€™re not gonna make top scores

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Would also like to know if this Pengi cheesing strat will be a permanent thing on mythics.