🧞 [MASTER] Mythic Titan Event - FAQ & Discussion

Just one question, why?

Chamäleon changes the color to red so you would profit more from a blue team, I used the Chamäleon together with Franz (Franz is a must just for every myth Titan no matter the color) and 3 blue heroes.

Or did I miss something here :thinking:

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Some people like me wait to have all flags before hitting…


While I get your type players….
Today, top 1% has dropped from 10000+ to below 5000…

We all know, Your type players are not main contributors to that drop… :grinning::wink:

Sure, I will leave out all the heroes that make it to easy. Enjoy the challenge :wink:

After 9 swings I have 1,932,376 and was top 1% last I looked. It is really hard to gauge where it will end up because of participation drop off. If anyone is willing to post ranks and scores as we move along I would be much obliged.

Last couple you had to be like top 8-8.5k for 1%. It’s looking smaller than that currently. :-1:


Because that combination maximizes on the tile damage (which is diversified if I use 2 Green + 3 Blue for example) while deploying my only Critical buff hero which happens to be the Chameleon.

I used 3 Super Mana potions in the very beginning to fire Chameleon 3 times in a row, thus keeping his buff active while the titan switched back color from Red to Green to Blue again. Also, keep in mind that for some strange reason Chameleon tends to remove ailments from the titan (in this case, Franz’s), so Franz has to be fired after Chameleon. Afterwards it was only Alteration scrolls, Hurricanes and Tornadoes. It worked.

My remaining hits have been in the 250-440 k range. I tried other different combos like Brienne + Dolgoon for fast Berserk attack increase, however it still wasn’t fast enough…and both 3* heroes have pretty low tile damage.


Here is where I am now


Thanks @sleepyhead .

Someone on Discord posted being ranked 7198 and dropped to 5%. The cut off will be right around 7-7.1k it seems.

Are you 9 swings in?

Good luck the rest of the way!


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I also figured out that Chameleon can be used multiple times to turn the colors back to original. Wish I had realised it before hitting, I wasted one flag with trial and error. Ah well

Next time I will use Chameleon over Gregorion in my top team.


Yup, 9 swings in. It’s gonna be tight but let’s see… thanks, good luck to you too @Muchacho !

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:laughing: I knew I was missing something, yeah that makes more sense…

Ranking changed between battle 8 and 9. Hope this helps


Hi guys, quick question: Do Norns work against Jomungandr?

Yes, Norns ability should work on Jormungander. I don’t have them to test, but seen enough people post their teams with Norns I assume it is true.


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thank you! 20 chars of gratitude

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Help me out here. The top 7 teams are exactly the same. What does this team do so well? I don’t get it.

Pengi hits like a truck against MT somehow, Chameleon makes it weak against blue so the blue tiles also do some good damage. Wish I had Pengi myself, but maybe this Christmas.

Here is a video by @JekylandHyde although he used a bit different team, maybe he uses the same team in his other hits? (It’s the very first one)


Thanks for the link. I don’t really understand the math that lets Pengi hit this hard, but since I don’t have him, I probably won’t worry too much about it. :man_shrugging:

Loot is okayish. Nothing special and sadly little Orichalcum and no useful battle items. I hoped for some Hurricanes and Scrolls at least.


Im pleased with mine.


I got darts for I think top 10% damage, so pretty happy with my loot. The rest could have been better, but no complaints.