[Master Discussion| - Legendary Troops and Legendary Troop Portal

Is there any information about the classes rotation in the summon portal?

Darn it. I have a dupe red cleric. We could have done a perfect mutual exchange.

I don’t have many C in my roster. More F. And most in yellow hence my preference for yellow fighter.

But of course RNG knows this and “withheld” that from me. :joy::rofl:

Weird thing is I received lesser yellow feeders as well. Heaps of green and red this round.

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RNG always knows how to give us the opposite to what we want huh :laughing: Do you think the bonus passive is better for the cleric (5% heal) or fighter (8% less defense ailment)? Can’t decide which one to convert for my Gestalt :thinking:

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Maybe I said that a little weird, or I’m not understanding you correctly, but I only have one of each color over level 26. The rest are 17 or lower. I apologize if that’s on me.

I did collect all the free troops. Unfortunately I burned about half of them before I remembered 5* troops were coming. I do have enough left to get one level 17 up to level 26. That would take all the remaining trainers plus all the remaining 4*, 3*, and some of the 2*.

I’m not too rich in feeders for troops except for dark. For some reason I get about 4 of them for every 1 of every other color. I should have mentioned I do not have a magic troop for dark though. For some reason I just can’t get one of those.

So I could level up 1 troop to 26 and then convert it, it would leave me with nothing to level up the 5* with. It would be a start I suppose.

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Do we have any info on “RETRAIN LEGENDARY TROOPS”?
I guess the hero academia is going to be updated but the question is when ?

played AND payed my friend. :smile:

Well, SGG didn’t prepare any future Legendary Troop summon so far. But if we go by the other Legendary Troop summons scheduled in the past (for internal testing obviously, it did not show up in the live game):

  • by order of appearance in the data: Cleric/Fighter, Monk/Sorcerer, Paladin/Rogue, Ranger/Wizard and Druid/Barbarian.
  • by scheduled date: Cleric/Fighter, Druid/Barbarian, Paladin/Rogue, Ranger/Wizard and Monk/Sorcerer.

So in short, we don’t know :grin:


I think even if Staff going to add a Legendary troops retrain, then it will not happen in the foreseeable future.

I would not expect it before 2025 or 2026.


My Shaal is maxed finally. Throwing on emblems now. I went attack as much as possible because his healing is based on his damage.

His base stats are already in favour of defence and HP.

I chose yellow fighter because it’s “balanced” and comes with a whopping 30% attack stat boost. I read that as Shaal shall heal more. And hopefully my 3 yellow stack will help take out the defence faster.

Defence status ailment reduction is always welcome. Keeps him alive longer (knowing my luck: those boards will be harder to navigate).

If I need to convert more in future, I will opt for Fighters over Clerics because of the stat boost.

Fighters = 30-29-40 (almost linear)
Clerics = 26-33-40 (pear shaped)

“athletes” with linear physique fare better. :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl:

(No offence intended to any reader)

For gestalt (I don’t like him at all): I would still do fighter because his attack stats are kinda sad for current meta.

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Thnks for your feedback !

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Nice work with Shaal, I’m still working on mine as I just LB him and working on getting him to 85 (and then eventually 90). Interesting that Fighters are more linear, I never looked at it that way! I like the stats better, I just feel that the defense protection passive is a bit more situational, whereas heroes would always benefit from the additional heal since most matches would involve a healer. And with the boosted HP reaching say 3k, that’s like an extra 150HP heal every time. But I totally see your point as well :sweat_smile:

No worries. I kinda figured out your troop roster.

If you play mono like I guess that you do or maybe for events only, ensure you have 5 epics on hand always.

1x @ 29
4x @ 17 or lower.

Option 1:

Your unsuccessful pull gave you a spare 4*. You can focus on that to get to 26. To convert to a LT if your choice. Given your bountiful purple feeders, this may be the “fastest” option.

Option 2:

Hold on to that spare 4* but please focus on at least pulling another mana/magic (preferred) to the next mana break.

If you can’t give your attack or defence teams hefty stat boost, at least give them faster activation.

I don’t do mono now but I can for yellow and blue (only) because I finally maxed those pesky Cyclopes recently. It’s so nice to charge with all maxed troops.

So if you do mono, you need to ensure that your team activates pretty evenly. As evenly as possible.

My suggestion

  1. Keep building your current troop roster for faster activation speed.

  2. Hold on to that spare epic troop (hopefully purple) and feed it when you have capacity. To L26 and then convert to LT.

  3. Buy the cheaper token offers (that’s what I did) and hope for better luck in the next round.

  4. Use all your ETTs when the tower next returns. No idea when. If you can’t wait, then use them once you have some on hand to get more feeders.

  5. Watch that daily Mystic Summon and hope to get more feeders

  6. Watch MV and hope for trainer troops or ETT, among other goodies.

Troop building requires patience and much grinding. You are not in a bad spot currently so keep at it.

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My Shaal is only at 4.80. Probably won’t bother with LB yet. Like Ciamara (still at 4.80 but happily with a green Fighter) His stats are rather fearsome for the tier that I am lurking in. :joy::rofl:

Before you level up a cleric or Fighter, work out the eventual stats for each LT. With emblems n LB.

Then decide.

That’s how I decided to level up the green Fighter rather than the Cleric first.

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Agree. If you have any kind of healing in the team, those 5% from clerics gives more value than -8% defense protection. My opinion.
I leveled up my red cleric using both on Ukkonen and red elves. Roughly 3000 hp and a lot of extra healing. Basically I can live without that small defense protection but the extra heal give me more Often value .

Happy gaming


How can I convert my second troop? I have 30 lvl troops but it’s only allowing me to convert one troop? Meanwhile, I see people with all 5 troops converted? Please help.

You only can covert one every 28 days

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Game is out of control.

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Those with five legendary troops, pulled the other 4 from the legendary troop portal

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I dont know if leveling troops have been affected much by payments really. 99% of my feeders have come from grinding / auto farming and having the hero academy constantly pump out troops.

I would argue any active player who is at the lvl of me (90) should be able to have a set of maxes troops and then a second backup set. Mine was at 23 but i brought them up to 26 after the update - that made the cost lower of lvling troops. Even if they are FTP. And I am by no means a heavy spender

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Okay! So, if I pull the 5* troops I can start leveling them right away? And the free conversions are once every 28 days?