[Master Discussion| - Legendary Troops and Legendary Troop Portal

So, am I the only one who only gets the option to trade in my maxed lvl troops or is that by design?

The 4 star troop has to be at least lvl 26 for the first swap.

Next swap at least lvl 27. And so on.

Why on earth would I ruin my synergy by gimping mana regen of my troops?
They should have kept it same as troop you are upgrading

Stick with your mana troops then m8, my defense team just went from 3050 ā†’ 3250 after changing to the 5* troop :sweat_smile: havenā€™t helped it just grinding by it self.

So, where is this troop exchange taking place, or is it invisible until you have lvl 26 troops?

Iā€™m skeptical about the new Legendary troops. The HP alone is insane! Just fought a couple in war and I was doing a 900+ damage snipe and it only took health down 1/4. I canā€™t imagine facing defenses with 5 legendary troops.

Sparklight just did 1400+ direct damage to 3, didnā€™t even need the burn damage.

Without LB or rather 2LB you canā€™t withstand a single hit


New tab on the right in the barracks


the links in my linked post support your belief:

(also tagging @Luna cause you asked the question :slight_smile: )


Thank you. I found it and now Iā€™m completely uninterested. It took me about 4 1/2 years to get my troops to lvl 30. Iā€™m not starting over.


Legendary troop haze slowly clearing up for me :exclamation::rofl::man_facepalming:t2::man_shrugging:t2:


somehow i used mana node by default :thinking: :thinking:

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I want my enemies to suffer but I got only one good hero - Sparklight.
Canā€™t decide which troop to choose: warrior/cleric or cleric/warrior - they differ slightly by stats and passive.

  1. Does cleric/warrior passive (5% heal) work for cleric/both?
  2. If it works for both, then will the Sparklight burn-heal induce 5% heal?
  3. 5% heal or overheal?

Did someone test it already?


This with regen Alpha power is terrific at tank.
Plus Kalevala effect, plus other healing over timeā€¦

The Ukkonen age isnā€™t over yet.


Regen Alpha Power: 420 HP over 6 turns ā†’ 70 hp per turn.
Troop Extra Healing: 5% per turn ā†’ 150hp
220hp in total per turn.
That sounds nice. Weā€™ll have to see how the 11% mana affects his speed though.


this was my main feedback in the betaā€¦

at least they reduced mostly everything elseā€¦ i still think it is s bit high but too late to change now

the 11% mana is probably another way to compensate with the very high health boost

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In my opinion, furninard is one of the best hero with cleric troop, he does not need to fire his special but summon minions give him bonus health with pet passive. His heal overtime works with troop bonus heal too.

What i worry is the 5* troops be everywhere in rush war where mana is not important.

No clue if we are going to get free pullsā€¦ but may sg screw up the portal and it gives 100% 5* and sg doesnā€™t find out until we are all fat with 5*.

They gave us 1 free pull. Which I will say is better than nothing. Did a ten pull and got all 3*'s and then did 7 individual pulls from the 3 dollar deals. Pretty happy that I did pull one as I donā€™t have any troops that I wanted to convert. Already have it at 23 but ran out of green feeders, and wonā€™t have more until they bring back the normal troops summons to be able to use the etts


Any update for when reduced training time will go into effect for the HA? @PlayForFun


I got one troop from 10 pull. Levelling was much easier compared to 4 star troops.