šŸŽ– [Master Discussion] Hero League ā€“ Log, Overview, Attacking, Matchmaking, Scoring and Rewards

Ithar is a lot of fun. Iā€™ve used her a few times but only have her to 4/80. lb no emblems. Rogue emblems are like gold. Lol

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Went 5-1 in the League today will probabely finish around top 100k which is ok for my average ftp roster.
Defense improved to D. What a suprise! :slight_smile:

For the last week I will probabely stop doing any attacks since I get the round 4 rewards but have 0 chance to make top 10k ranking rewards.
Assuning an average of 80% wins for raids I would loose around 840k ham if I would make Laague attack for 0 rewards compared to notmal raid attacks!
For an ftp that is a real cost!

For the next iteration of the League there should be at least the same rewards for each win as they give for normal raid wins.

Final day of round 3 ended in 6/6. Was a bit slower with moves this time though and barely get any bonus points. Defense is still a solid E but overall very good finish of this round.

Managed to get better scores in round 3, compared to previous round 2 so thatā€™s another thing i am happy about.


You have to attack at least once to get the rewards for final round I think. Double check the rules

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What ridiculousness. Went 4-2 today but was almost 3-3. Lost to a team 1200 power less than mine - should have been an easy win for xcept the entire board was yellow purple and would only reload more yellow purple. I couldnā€™t even fire 2 special.
Thereā€™s no way it can be a coincidence- almost every loss Iā€™ve had has been the same issue. A lack of randomness in the tiles as they were constantly lop sided to colors I didnā€™t have. Even if the aim was to limit Color stacking it still wouldnā€™t have worked as only yellow and purple could have fired. Iā€™ve seen a few other posts where losses were notes with heavy Y/P tiles. Itā€™s like the system is saying from the startā€¦ā€you loseā€ muahahaha


What a joke


Something is very wrong.
After last roun I count 48 players(lvl 40 and lower) in top 100. On the last day(yesterday) they were only 8. After def points ā€¦ they are already 60?
No wonder how I drop from 2k to 8k because of def :frowning:

Anyone else think the rewards for hero league are garbage compared to time investment? My first time doing it, after reaching the third round, completing 6 battles daily for however many days that is, the reward is a single, basic summon. Thatā€™s really hurt. First and last time I bother with hero league. Essentially, unless you are guaranteed a top 1000 finish. You may as well not bother.


Yes, even as placeholder/beta rewards, they should have made them better.
Realistically, they need to be 4x better than tournament or at least 2x better

I am in the top 10k at the moment after that last round.
I canā€™t see what my defense ended as but I hope a D (it was D at 34% last I saw yesterday

But it just goes to show these low rank players have taken advantage by using a good defense other people at their ā€œlevelā€ are too inexperienced to fight and defeat, both because of lack of knowledge and roster.

My alt account finished 237k and was eliminated, the rewards received were terrible. 3 weeks of playing and I think the best was 20 emblems.

Do you really expect us to believe that league ranking is fair and correct after this?

People lvl23 with teams around 3k total power have 100k+ points?

Cā€™mon at least try to be seriousā€¦

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Yesā€¦how dare players playing at a different level get any sort of recognition :joy: :joy:

This is good for the game tbh. I like seeing people from that level be able to get name in lights


Seeing that leaderboard (and i have no issue with that) i only wonder how the matchmaking works. Is it based on level, on roster, on defence power?
Cause that neotek may be a level 28 but has 6k defense with top notch heroes.

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Iā€™m pretty sure it is based on roster (your top x highest tp hero).

So if you are low level, have small roster but all recently pulled heroes, your top 10/20 highest tp average is really low.

But after 3 rounds WHO is left for these players to be competing against to be scoring and defending like this to rank so high.
Most likely these are alt accounts fully loaded rosters hitting the weakest of the remaining teams and smashing them. Would love to hear from some of these lower level top 100 and see whatā€™s really going on. I remember being that level and had no where near a roster that could compete for too 100 in something like this.

I count 53 teams level 38 or lower in the top 100. SG needs to look into how this is possible and correct it for all players. The event needs to be fun for everyone. Grinding out and losing tiered rewards to a team filled with dawas doesnā€™t make any sense.
They need to confirm this is legit and not a weakness in the programming thatā€™s been exploited cheating other player out of rank and lootā€¦oh wait the loot is 1 summon and 19 emblems? Ok- a few things they need to look into


Not sure if Iā€™m missing something, but if you make it to the last round, but donā€™t have a realistic shot at top 10k, thereā€™s zero reason to participate in the last round, right?

Iā€™m ranked around 55k currently, and see zero reason to use my flags in the last round.

Would be nice to see the final round rewards based on percent rank like the raid tournament rather than number rank. If they did top 1%, top 5%, top 10%, and top 20%, that would give everyone that makes the final round an incentive to participate - at least if rewards are increased from current levels and thereā€™s enough of an incentive to aim for top 20% instead of settling for the rewards from making it to the last round.


Youā€™ve gotten this far already. Iā€™d suggest trying anyway. Who knows- they could change things up last minute or after the fact. Maybe maybe not? Youā€™ll still have to raid anyway for your POV/POG and the results count towards them and raid chests so no reason to give up now.
Also keep in mind the points are all really close right now. So rank changes fast

Defense points can change your rankings a lot. Not sure if itā€™s enough to make a difference from 55k, but my ranking improved from 30k to 5k just from B defense points.

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To your point about raid chests, the league has caused me to go from opening 2 raid chests per day during the week to 1. With normal raids, I can pick and choose my opponents and normally go 5/6 or 6/6 with natural raid flags. Then, Iā€™ll use 2 or 3 tourney flags to finish the raid chests. Do that once in the morning and once at night and Iā€™m at 2 chests per day with minimal gems to skip on the raid chest timer. I know I could do what I just described even with the league, and do my league hits in the middle of the day, but I just donā€™t have time for that with real life stuff.

Either way, I still think the league rewards should be percentage based like the tournaments.


I can verify the statement that this league is a complete joke. Seems like that the whales has sucked the joy from it. There is no joy for the players that has some nice heroes but not 100x LB2 5* heroes.

As from the 2nd of the 1st week I have done all my attacks with mono team. There is no point to try beat the enemy teams that has power 6100-6400 with some super smart team that really doesnā€™t have enough team power.

My rank is currently at ~40k so there is no way that I can improve enough to get extra prizes. Not with with E defense. I think that I will put some gift defense for this week, like 5x 3* heroes.

And many of us (non-whales) has to work at least 8 hours in a day so that losing flags at the league doesnā€™t help with filling the raid chest, or completing the PoG daily challenges.