🎖 [Master Discussion] Hero League – Log, Overview, Attacking, Matchmaking, Scoring and Rewards

My alt account is rank 237k and still top 50% but it is showing the 50% in red.

56,436 score

I’m about 280K and it started showing mine in red as well, my score is 53,495

All week my boards have been like this…get rid yellow get more yellow back, then purple and I know if I change up my team I’ll get endless reds…whyyyyyyyyyy? Lol


This week has been nice to me, the matchmaking is actually quite decent and I won a majority of my matches


Normally I will be attack with yellow and Green or blue. But this game teach us that nothing is normall now. I have the same situation very often with my attacks

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6 failed attacks in this round till now. But My difense is on E. I don’t know what’s wrong. Try everything what I can.

My standard result this week is 4 wins 2 losses a day and defense is at expected e. :slight_smile:

Doing well so far. Still two days till this round is over.
Defense is solid E, as usual in this event.

Will try my best to reach the score i had previous week at least. But it is what it is after all.


You’re doing awesome. Most of this week I’ve been going 4-2
Hopefully have a strong finish to the week

Defense has been almost everyone’s struggle


It would be great if we could see what the other team used to attack us with like in regular raids. That would help understand what’s working or not
But you have to remember most of the active players are batting 80% wins which means 89% losses for your Def unfortunately - all depends on how the systems matches fights against you

Very good score. Awesome rank. Keep doing that mate. :+1: Congratulations :tada:

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It’s interesting to see so many or most people with an E defense, and it’s definitely not because of bad defense teams, so I wonder what exactly is going on and what is the problem.

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My best score in the league. Today is good day. 6 wins :muscle::+1:


speed bonus 300? How did you do that, was it 1 move which had a big combo, charged all your heroes and you won?

15 sec. Fight. The opponent had 2 red hero’s in defense. I get 3 blue and 2 yellow healers. Get super combo from the beginning and kill all with special. Protos with Morel that’s My Blue killing machine :rofl:


Great score, well done!! My highest is 843

If you consider how many of us are typically averaging 4-5wins a day it’s not that surprising given the pool of active players is getting smaller.
I looked through yesterdays results 6w out of 8 but all the wins were against higher level players 82-101 with Defense teams about 5500-5700, my def is at 6110 I think. Without seeing what attacked it’s hard to say whether the system is working.
I’d really love to be able to see more info about the attackers- show us their attack teams and league score. I’m sure that wouldn’t be too complicated for the devs- definitely be more transparent


5W/1L today, same as yesterday. And again the L came in the last flag. Surprisingly it was the easiest opponent from the six that i failed against.

Defense is still a solid E.

Approaching the numbers from round 2 and if i get lucky tomorrow on the last day, i may even get better scores this round.


That’s awesome! Top 100….congrats! Who are you using on offense

Depends on the tanks i face. I’ve met mostly purple tanks so this one has been used like 80% of all fights so far.

Fighting 5500TP - 6300TP teams, usually around 6000TP.

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