🎖 [Master Discussion] Hero League – Log, Overview, Attacking, Matchmaking, Scoring and Rewards

How do they have the team cost for this already? Doesn’t that only increase as you level up? It may be different now, it’s been years since I was at a level I couldn’t make a full cost team. I just don’t understand that - if it’s still going off the original “team cost” system.

I’m not saying what is good, I’m saying what is realistically - and this is definitely not.

They had a good opportunity to produce a fun event and left some pretty big holes in it. The scoring, the points, lacks of daily resources, the ranking system would all need to be improved.
I still think this should have been tiered like raid arenas, daily resource rewards for battling and loot that was awarded like raid tournaments not tower events.

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There has to be some kind of loophole they found- it just doesn’t make sense :man_shrugging:t2:
Ii just put it out to a lvl 32 in my alliance to ask what his cost is
I’m lvl 63. Max cost is 130. Built a team like the person ranked #1 and that cost is 119

My alt account, level 33

Maybe it was a visual glitch - but I saw teams of under 24 with teams that would have been over the team cost they should have had. I didn’t think you got til 130 until you hit over lvl 30. But the lvl 27 does have a 4* on their team.

It’s just a throw off because that lvl 27 has a team over 6k. I’m at lvl 90 and don’t have that many 5* at level 90 - but I guess the person at level 27 has spent a lot in the game. Not saying lower levels should not get a chance to do well in events and tournaments, it just comes down to the big gap there is between p2p and f2p players. It would just be nice to be able to have a shot at making it to leaderboards without spending a fortune. But that’s always been a pipe dream I guess.

That’s some heavy heavy p2p. I think more than anything this just exposes the issues in this league. You don’t see these same ppl in raid leaderboards which almost makes me wonder how legit these players are.
Maybe alt accounts that don’t do the campaign or levelling and they just use them for PVP.

Looking at the players some are def legit looking at the lineups but the top 10 under lvl 30 have all “joined new alliances” in the last 2/3 weeks. Maybe they’re part of the beta team?

Either way something seems not right.

So level 32 in my alliance has a max team score of 130. So these teams could fit in that criteria

Doubt it. Those lower level accounts look legit.

If player splashes a lot of money at the onset, it is possible to get there.

I giggled at their troops though. If I am going to splash that much money to get those heroes plus level them to that extent, what’s a few more thousand to get minimum maxed rainbow mana troops ?

Maxing those troops won’t affect team cost, only TP and the increase is marginal.

Unbalanced priorities.


No issue wtih tiles here, but I rarely stack.
I have a bit of an issue with the allocation of points on offense - I don’t think timing out should be zero and I think defeated enemies should be worth more.
Big issue with defensive point allocation - there is way too much weighting put on defenses. I’ve personally struggled with getting anything other than an E on both accounts and that puts you thousands of points behind, essentially undoing all of the ground you make in winning on offense


I got to fight LEAGUE RANK ONE today. What an honor /s


So …

But only 300 pts. So they gonna f**** their defences and they gonna steal attacking points from us :wink: Nice move again :wink:

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also, as the above is pointed out, you should not allow knocked out defs to be changed:

Hey guys, what’s with the red font?
Any ideas?
I’ve got nothing )))

And round 4 begins
Guess everyone is in red till the end since there’s no more bottom %

I assumed the red font was to show you’re not in the top loot tier for the ending.
But maybe it’s if you drop down in rank? I was 9500k, now I am 19k and it’s showing red for me

I had similar battles today where I fought the same guy with 4 3* heroes, one five star and each victory inky gets me about 350 pts vs the 600 plus for normal victories. That is some kind of dumb mechanic there.

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And what was your outcome? easy win or loss?
What is your roster like, similar to that 4k, or do you have better?

Nope )
890 and higher are write.
900 and below are red )))

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Well that’s a dumb bar. Should have at least made 10000 since that’s the last marker for ranking loot. 900 doesn’t even match up to anything

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