🎖 [Master Discussion] Hero League – Log, Overview, Attacking, Matchmaking, Scoring and Rewards

The new 6 attacks could be put to hold for later on meaning that a player may have the ability to make all the attacks (30) at the end of the HeroLeague (just as Mythic Titan). This could be very useful for players having spare time at weekend.

Or even if it was 12 or 18 would ne useful.

This is what is listed. Zero score is still a score but there won’t be zero scores on account of defence points awarded.

I don’t see that requirement to use at least 1 attack flag anymore.

Good point. I overlooked that. Will edit my post. Thank you.

Had that happen with a team that was using dabria and hetepheres. Dabria was down to 49 health, bad chain of tiles triggered her and she brought three back including hete who healed everyone to full and gave them all blind. Couldn’t hit anyone - before I knew it their whole team was back and my phone was on the other side of the room.lol

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Thanks SO much . I did make it now let’s see if I can make the Final Countdown!!! (Europe blaring in the background)


So after def points I drop from 1000 to 4000, but instead of that in top 100 we have 48 teams from lvl 20 to 40 :wink:

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I’m stunned that I was able to get to the next level after so many losses


Hello all. Please could someone one explained me what’s going here.

Player’s with defense straight 3k an LvL 20 up in the top of the league :thinking::person_facepalming:

How is it possible ?

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They probably won most of their battle, while they have A defense grade.

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The stranger part of the question - even assuming he has won all fights (or almost all, looking at those scores), which btw are closing to 100 since the start of the event and that is surprising the least coming from such low lvl players, how a player below 30 lvl gets the same amount of points for difficulty as players fighting 6k+ defenses? They obviously don’t fight such defenses.

If anything, Hero League is supposed to have Raid Tourney basics where low lvl players could rank highly but they can never get the same points as highest rankers for obvious reasons - difficulty levels.

In 5* Tourneys a low level player could probably get 25/25, although this scenario is highly theoretical, but still possible. However they will never get the same points as high level players fighting 6k+ teams.

Very interesting situation for me and if those are real player accounts, then SG’s scoring system definitely needs update for next Hero League rounds. It just doesn’t seem logical how a low level player that stands no chance against 6k+ teams, gets weak defenses and still earns the same points as he would have, should he has won against 6k+ team…


The defensive ranking in league has a massively outsized effect on the total score. The difference between A and E is 10,000 pts per round. At roughly 650 pts per win, that’s roughly 15 extra wins, or 2.5 days worth. If they let your defense do well, you will do well. In fact, if you scored an A in all 4 rounds, you could probably win 1/6 attacks or so and still qualify at the end

Just a little perspective on the above, I am ranked about 80,000 with about 58,000 pts. An A defense for 4 rounds is worth 54,000 pts alone.

SG tries to make the League interesting for players of all levels. Most likely, players from radically different teams (in terms of strength) will never meet on the field here. You know, it’s like in boxing - there are several weight categories and each has its own champion. Of course, in this case they should bring the rating table into line.
I am more surprised by the absence of players with teams of 6.5k+ among the leaders :thinking:.

Sometimes this game is total nonsense. Lol. 3/3 today (normally I lose 1, maybe 2) losing isn’t the issue - it’s the “randomness” of the boards.
I normally go 2-2-1 blue green and red.
5 or the 6 boards were dominantly purple and yellow and no mattter how many times I cleared them- they kept coming back.
Started 5th board heavy in green, cleared the board with a gem and got back a board 80% yellow.! :man_shrugging:t2::person_facepalming:t2:

This is just for everyone to see and get the real SG/Zynga/whoever is the owner actual status…

They don’t know what they are doing. See the Monster Island… Where is it? They have no idea what to do, when, how, etc…

Seeing those level 20 on top only says 1 thing… They have exactly no idea what they are doing.


I would have thought it was obvious to make it so the more difficult the enemy, the more points you score, but apparently they don’t seem to see the obvious :rofl:

Still not fair. I got wiped out in less then 2 minutes, killed no one and still scored 116 points. Battle 15 minutes kill 3 heroes, my full team intact but get timed out and get zero. If you lose your only getting 100 - 150 point range at best. And that total includes 10 or so points for each killed hero. So if someone is sitting there for 30 seconds, a minute, can’t imagine it’d be longer then that, so that the other teams reviver won’t bring back 2 or 3 heroes to garner an extra 20 or 30 points - be my guest. Being Timed out you lose the battle , and in lost battle you’re only getting 100+ points anyway. If you want to give a zero for enemies killed, in case someone was playing an angle- fine, but to get ZERO for te battle is wrong. I need to be rewarded for spending 15 minutes playing the game. It has to be worth at least as much as being wiped out in a minute or less.


Does anyone know what the rank is where I would no longer be in top 50%?

No idea. I know if you have a displayed rank then you are safe otherwise it would list your rank as bottom 25%
That could be good feedback to display total points like in mythic titan events and total active players so you could get a better idea where you stand