🎖 [Master Discussion] Hero League – Log, Overview, Attacking, Matchmaking, Scoring and Rewards

Yes, the game shows top 50%, top 75% or last 25% if you are not in the upper bracket, instead of your actual ranking :wink:

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Best score in league attack so far


My league rank is 48k for now. Promotion to another round is possible?

A lot of people have Ludwig because he was easy to get. :slight_smile:
He is good but not really a problem.
Go up against Aramis tanks a couple of days and then come back and be happy if you see a Ludwig tank! :rofl:


That wasn’t Ludwig on the tank. The player had two muskieters in the team

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As long as your ranking doesn’t say “Bottom 25%”, all is well. You will move on to the next round.



I tried everything
Semi-mono, failed
Diversifying my team, failed
Casual play, failed
Trying my best with strats, failed

I can’t with this terrible event. This is pretty much the ‘just get the mono the tank is weak against and pray you kill it in 2 matches.’ event

Wish they would remove the little red warning tag once you’ve completed your daily attacks. Seems silly to have it and leave it on all the time.

Think it’s another bug. It went off in Round 1.


Any chance you could up the rewards a bit. I feel like I aged 25 years in the last two weeks, it’s really a special kind of grind. Even an avatar or something for all the ranks up to top 10k would be appreciated. Just so it doesn’t feel it was all for nothing.

I have had relatively good success in the first round of the league, landing on 2270 rank.
The 2nd round is also going relatively tough. Though I usually end around 800 rank mark during reset, I can see that the battles are getting tougher each day.
I lost 6 fights in the first round and so far lost 3 fights in the 2nd round.
I focus on mana control, over heal, quick cleanse and a strong damage dealer.
I use this league just to fill cups than anything else at this point. Not overly excited about the loots as SG has clearly demonstrate poor loot allocation for all the activities.

seems kike lower level player cant keep up anymore in table, they start to get teams that is in they level

Yeah. I count 3 players around level 20+.


Who else thinks it’s fair to spend 10 + minutes battling (however long it goes before a battle times out) and you get absolutely ZERO points! You get exactly the same as if you spent 5 seconds and fled the battle. You could kill all but 1 of their heroes, still have your full team intact and you get absolutely ZERO! No points for battling, no points for killing enemy heroes, ZILCH!. You’d get a higher score if you battled for 1 minute and has your team wiped out. What lame brain decided this was the way to reward someone for spending all that time battling for ZERO POINTS! I’ve had it happen at least 4 times now being timed out, even killing multiple heroes but nothingg to show for it. I 've sent a complaint to SG and their response is timing out is treated same as fleeing. THIS HAS GOT TO CHANGE!

Totally agree. What a waste of time to sprnd all that time battling to get ZERO Points. I’ve has this happed at least 4 times now.SG needs to change this. You get more points for having your team wiped out in the first minute of battle!

It gives me a rank number not the normal top 75/50/25 percent . If I die I die lol

Ah okay. Now I understand your concern.

HL started with about 1013455 participants.

Assuming there is minimal score clumping, the bottom 25% in Round 1 that has been eliminated should be 253,364.

Under these assumptions:

Round 1 participants = 1013455
Elimination = 253,364 (25%)
Round 2 participants = 760,091
Elimination = 190,023 (25%)
Round 3 participants = 570,068
Elimination = 142,517 (25%)
Round 4 participants = 427,551

As long as your rank is above 500,000, it’s probably safe.

(Edited numbers)


Not exactly true. It first eliminates all of those who signed up but didn’t participated at all and then it’s the baseline to count 25% from.

the second 25% is calculated as 25% of all the original participants or the 25% of round two participants? (and so on with the third and fourth)

Have to jump on the train of “getting zero points for a time out is an insult”. Got to time out against a team of 5 overhealers/revivers/dodgers (not a single hitting special) because for three times the last two remaining heroes survived with less than 10 health, revived and gigahealed everybody back to the origin. I was on the brink of throwing my phone out of the window. And it happens to me very frequently that enemy heroes that are about to fire survive the most i can throw at them with a single digit of hp just so that they can fire and screw everything for me :rage:

needless to say the following battle i had the best board ever :rofl:

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Unfortunately there is a reason for this.
Without time out 0 you could try to time out to avoid an opponents reviver go off and keep all the points you have so far.
It is harsh but unfortunately it is well known that some players use every loophole to gaind an advantage.