šŸ† [MASTER] Covenant of Champions - FAQs, Team Discussion, Portal Stats & Summons!

It will only arrive on September 27th.


Makes it truly limited edition

Are they still going to put up the summon portal when the quest goes live end of the month?

@KeeSnow this is Staffā€™s exact words about the Portal:

Based on this it will be a rare occasion when both will be in the same time.

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Looooolll lloooooll at this dirty move to make the cov portal gems only because it costs more. The decay level is laughable.


Sounds very fine for me. Since I hate doing raids and this quest is like riding not the 1st defensive in this game, but the 1st defensive multiplied by 3 (the waves count), it is simply not worth that amount of world energy forā€¦two Bane.

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If it does notstart until the 21st why do i show the summons with two days left?

Money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money honey money money money money money payday Sunday money money beerfund money Monet money money money money


@anon60742279 Its more expensive but itā€™s the best drop rate in the game 1.6%. That slight extra chance really matters. My pulls ended up over 2% so I beat the odds and was lucky to pull new heroes (I did want Evalyn bad though and didnā€™t get her lol).

So yeah the portal isnā€™t the best with some of the garbage heroes they toss in, but the chances are noticeably better.

Anyway, I get your point as well. This portal is meant for people who pull hard. I think no reason to be mad just donā€™t pull (I donā€™t mean you specifically). I have no idea what it takes to run and balance this game. I can say that Iā€™m sure itā€™s a lot and they profit from it immensely. Thatā€™s not bad Iā€™m my eyes thatā€™s business sadly. I do wish we wouldnā€™t force CEOā€™s to make profit every year, when does it stop?

I will say my family likes to gamble and thankfully I can. Not everyone feels that way about pulls. Thatā€™s totally great, I support anyone having free speech as long as itā€™s not hateful. Ultimately the frustration is built into the game and if you canā€™t chase a hero then I understand why things get frustrating. Cheers!


The Quest will only start on the 27th.
@Dudeious.Maximus maybe this topic can be merged to the main covenant topic ?


For featured heroes yes. For non-featured heroes there are plenty of portals that have better or similar odds for non-S1 5*, disregarding current HotM. Such as S2-S5 (1.6%), Seasonal (1.6%), Legends (1.9%), Costumes (2.5%) and CFI and II (2.5%). Of course it depends on what one seeks, for example Legends are less and less interesting for me.

They reworked the quest during v51 beta though and each stage is only one wave now!


@Ugk26 curious as to what else you pulled other than the two new heroes and 2 King Arthurs lol, and did you end up with dupe monster heroes or exactly one of each? Glad you had great luck again :sweat_smile:

Thank you, yes only one of each. So I also got rumple(dupe) and Poseidon(new). There were more season ones but I wouldnā€™t count those per say. I actually wanted him as a counter to alfrike. Wish he came with the costume of course, but canā€™t complain.

You pulled hawthorn correct? Did you pull anyone else of note? I wanted Evelyn bad. Anyway, I really like him. I have no tabards so Iā€™m hoping for another ascension sale. Then Iā€™m leveling him up next.


Oh nice one with Poseidon, I have him without costume as well and heā€™s still super relevant/useful - nice pull considering some of the average meh 5* in the portal lol. Nah only pulled Hawthorn, King Arthur and Evelyn (dupe) but Iā€™m probably going to do more pulls on my alt because on that account I donā€™t have any of the featured except Isrod. Of course you like him, he heals and he increases mana, I already know Xnol is one of your all time favourite heroes because of these abilities :joy:

How about Adalinda, are you going to level her up next?

EDIT - @Ugk26 did some more pulls and got another dupe Evelyn and a dupe Boss Wolf :sweat_smile:


Simple question : is there any FREE way to collect pact coins or is it only a credit card event ?

We are a few people asking where are the dedicated activities in my alliance :thinking:

Event coming later this month (September 27th - September 30th).


Okay, so SG & Zynga are implementing summons before the event right now, what a shame ā€¦

Thx for the answer btw

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I understand you guys have to keep the game fresh with new events and updated heroā€™sā€¦ but for gods sake when you introduce a new costume for a hero that hero should never be pulled again without it. This event should feature heroā€™s with their costumes. Same for the soul exchange and anywhere else for that matter once a costume is released.


OMG, why the portal is without the event?

Itā€™s so illogical and cynic at the same time.

Very dodgy stuff.