Margaret – New May 2019 HOTM (Hero of the Month): First Thoughts & Discussion

No, she adds mana to your

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I think it is a little crazy how most people are really quick to overlook the insane 821 attack, that is more than azlar with more def than him too…

Of course you will think she sucks if you are using her in your def team, but if you put her and her daughter (evelyn) together, I think it will definitely be a GREAT addition against blue tanks and blue titans… She is not your can’t go wrong all-arounder champion like ares, alasie or guinivere, but she is not trash by any means


This is actually the nerdiest moment of my entire life, but Evelyn appears to be a different species than Margaret, unless you meant conceptually.


She is not a strong damager like Lianna but I think she will be an annoying and frustrating enemy in terms of her skill.

Both Tarlak and Morgan Le Fay 824 & 916 for nature

I can only see one primary role for her. Flank position to a slow mana tank.

Santa becomes the devil if he is dodging your attacks.

Question, is she an old lady or is that a scar on her face?

I could be wrong but to me she looks middle aged and has a scar on her face. That scar has been mistaken for wrinkles

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My bad, Morgan is only 716

She’s probably Melendor’s younger sibling

Yeah Melendor 's sibling and Sabina’s aunt, Sabina appeared to be Melendor 's daughter long gone from home. Lol

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unlike her brother, she has been eating well!

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Agree. I’m going to level mine, see a lot of use for her, especially against titans.
When Gravemaker & Zeline came out they were almost immediately rated bad

Evelyn could be a half elf. Love child between Elkanen and Maggie perhaps. The fan fiction practically writes itself…


Sorry if I bump Bauglir’s question, but it needs some attention. I was thinking of pairing Margaret to QoH the moment I saw her. On paper looks like a solid defense line but I’m not that expert nor do I have them as heroes.

What you guys think?

I have a question regarding her talent tree.

As she is a rogue her talent tree skill should be dodging direct damage. Does this stack with her special?

In terms of her special she could be a dodge tank but she will die quickly by tile damage. I will probably use her against titans and as a flanker flanker for my tank as her special affects heroes close to her.

The defence you can boost using emblems in her talent tree. You’ll only need a million or so :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

They should be two separate rolls, according to this thread:

(Feel free to correct me if I wrong, I’m still new to the game )

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Correct, it’s two separate rolls. One for Margaret’s dodge, and another for the Rogue evade.

If Margaret’s activate she avoids the entire skill and gets the mana bonus. If the talent activates, she only avoids the damage.

It’s still unclear which roll happens first though. Most players I talk with assume that it’s Margaret’s dodge roll first, since there wouldn’t be much advantage to Evade’s roll going first. But that’s just conjecture and hasn’t been proven… likely this kind of detail will require a developer to confirm.

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Thanks. That answered my question,

Should have known that someone was compiling a list like this :smile:

I think the question gets bypassed because ppl dont have QoH’s. I’ll be pulling for her during atlantis week since i wasnt lucky during my pulls for Avalon. I guess we will have to test her ourselves.

As usual with my luck in Avalon 10 pull I got a HOTM I didn’t really want … at least I also got Merlin.
Considering I already have 4.80+6 Evelyn, and work on getting Lianna to 4.80, how would Margaret fit in?
I have to leave her at 3.70 for the time being, and my alliance generally fights 10/11* titans so that’s one shot/one kill territory where her skill might actually matter, but defensive bonus is against fire, not ice …
What are the scenarios where Margaret could really shine?