Margaret – New May 2019 HOTM (Hero of the Month): First Thoughts & Discussion

I just pulled HOTM Margaret. At first, I was not excited about her, but I must say after some consideration, I can see her as a very useful TANK. Although (as some people on this thread have pointed out) her defense and HP stats are not super high, the fact that she can dodge up to 90% of special attacks makes those stats less relevant. If she can dodge, it’s okay for her to have a lower Defense and HP stats. The primary way to kill her will be with normal attacks, and her indispellable elemental defense buff against fire makes that more difficult. Your opponent will need to stack something other than fire.

And having a VERY FAST mana speed is very exciting. In the tank position, she will most likely activate her dodging and defense buffs before any opponents get the chance to fire a special attack. And I’m excited to flank her with 5* Ariel and perhaps 5* Onatel. The moderate amount of mana that they gain from each “dodge” will stack on top of Ariel’s mana buff and on top of Onatel’s mana sucking activity, making them activate even faster. It would be like a mana SUPER BUFF for Onatel, who will benefit from all three mana sources! Very exciting.

I’m also going to combine her with another green hero like 5* Elakanen in the wing position to take advantage of the elemental link. Once I level her up, I think Margaret will be super useful, especially in offensive RAIDS and on my defense team.


I have a random question as I have been thinking about Maggie. If she had been reworked a little, would it be better if she could dodge both normal and special attacks and her mana speed becomes fast instead of very fast. It might seem pointless at first glance as normal attacks do low damage but I think it would work in certain cases. For example if your characters had Def drops on them and are prone to higher damage or Wu Kong firing his special. It’s going to be more effective in dodging base damage entirely and at the same time gaining mana.

I think Margo is a support hero with very good tile damage. She will be great in a color combo against blue tanks. Throw some emblems in her increasing attack and all good. For those who are so down on tunes like this you might want to ask yourself what raiding and wars are going to be like a year from now when the defence teams you are facing are all 10 tiered emblemed… you’ll need high tile damage heroes to take out tanks. Very fast mana ( literally six tiles with mana troops) hero with tile damage won’t be bad!

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Just remember what everyone said about GM when he came out. Low initial damage and his dot “easily dispellable”. The reality has turned out quite different because of the very fast mana. Margo’s very fast mana with a couple wise choices beside her will be a hit on offence. The dodging of specials will be unnerving. I’m all in on leveling her and I’ll meet you in the raids!!


Description only says dodges special attacks not normal /tile attacks

So as a tank I don’t think she will be effective I mostly kill tanks through tile damage as by the time I have specials activated I would have killed the tank

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you are right… but you will probably stack red or?

and her non dispellable buff gives her defense up against fire(+46%)…
so she will probably go of before you kill her with tiles, and then your fire stack will do less damage…

but i am also not sure if thats a good-enough reason to see her in tank role…

i think its too early to really judge her, hope to see her in tank role soon to see how she works there…
i really dont have a spot for her in defence i guess, cause i have ariel and guin(just pulled her, and she is still a better tank i think) , and another no damage dealer would be too much i am afraid, 2 snipers in the corner and 3 no damage dealer in the middle might be not enough to hold up in defence… i wish she would give some damage in her SA or casts some annoying minions, but that would make her OP with very fast mana…

Yesterday i faced her as tank, i went in with Rigard, Scarlett, Khagan, Gormek, Vivica setup, 4 red tiles killed her instantly and i simply held my specials until the dodge ability wore off, so she was a very easy fight.


oh ok… was she maxed allrady?

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She was around 4/40 or so

Nope, she’ll most probably die before activating because of her low defense and average HP. She’s definitely not a tank.

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She’s scar(y) old… :wink:



That is actually tears because you guys are dumping on her so much. She has feelings you know :slight_smile:


hm, i guess i’m a proud owner of marge now. my other two 5* are eve (maxed) and elkanen (2.60). rest of my green team are mel, caed, gadeirus and LJ, all maxed.

atm i think my elk would be a better match for my team than marge. i really don’t see how she would be so useful to warrant an upgrade over elk in my situation for example. those mats are hard to come by and offense is more important to me than defense right now.

but yes, great tile damage and useful if a bit situational (doesn’t protect against mobs) and unreliable skill. or does anybody have a better argument for her?

To me she feels like a pure raid offense/titan hero. Might make some sense in challenge events when you want to stack green and/or face tricky bosses too.

I’ve tried her out some (still unleveled) and she was surprisingly useful even at this low level. I’ll raise her for sure.


She could do very well in a stack against bosses, true. For titans the problem for me are their regular attacks, rarely their specials (8-9*). Rare ones are obivously exceptions.

I am speaking without any experience though so I’m still unsure of course. She could very well be amazing. But i’m just at that critical place when i’m close to finishing strong mono stacks and i just don’t have the resources to experiment with potential failure. That said, im not excited about levelling elk either. Im still hoping to be convinced somehow to do it if nothing better comes along :smiley:

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I hear you, but I won’t try to convince you… :). I’m so short in green options myself that I actually gave Elk the tonics. He’s in no way amazing but closing in on max he’s not that disappointing either. Well, not compared to what I expected at least…

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I would never consider Elkanen if u have Margaret in your roster

Glad to hear you like elk, i’m also fully aware i can’t expect him to be a sniper in lianna league. We play with what we have right? :slight_smile:

@Lunx so you think i should keep cedmon as a sniper paired with eve and use marge instead of lj or gadeirus for example?


Maggie will be maxed here (already at 3-70). Maxed Evelyn; in addition, two Elkanens and four Horghalls, all unleveled, and a second Maggie.

In a fit of rage for pulling 30 more times and getting two, I shoved both down Hansel’s throat.


Maybe belongs in worst mistakes made in game thread.