Margaret – New May 2019 HOTM (Hero of the Month): First Thoughts & Discussion

Early thoughts
Let’s play Captain Obvious: With that kind of attack stat and ability, she’s a prime choice against blue titans and green stacks.

But oh boy… what kind of shady ability is that!? I’m confused about… well a lot of things. Hoping someone can clear them up.

SOO MANY VARIABLES :stuck_out_tongue: lol. You can see how this kind of stuff is driving me nuts. My brain hurts just thinking about it… I wish I could try it out but it’s not that simple with this game (i.e. need the heroes)

Can anyone clear any of these things up? Would be glad to provide clarification.

@zephyr1 I am wondering if these questions deserve a place here, in the main OP, or in a new thread… With this kind of special attack and Inari already existing, I don’t doubt that there’s many others wondering too.