I like francine with a red flank however you don’t have one that feats there.
Also I’m not very fond of snipers in defense but you don’t have much more other good choices.
Considering your roster I would probably try out something like the following in normal V formation
Francine - cLeo - freya - devana - gefjon
Having freya as tank and cLeo refrain the opponent from bringing darks. Also devana has a great synergie with cLeo and Freya
Yellows are not recommended and againt bera/freya as you want to refrain from killing freya before charging your heroes and she is likely to die with tiles if the opponent bring more than 2 yellows also having 2 yellows at flank is not ideal for a yellow heavy stack.
Blues are forbidden because of francine.
Greens is not ideal as there is no blue in the def.
So it only remains reds which will only have strong tiles against your wing and be neutral against the rest of the roster.
Ensure that the defense team should contain 2 healers, 2 counter attackers and 1 attack booster or 2 healers, 1 counter attacker and 2 attack booster will give good defense at the same time use rainbow colors
Use the combinations from the following heroes
Richard, Magni, Telluria, Fracine, Freya, Quintus, Geffon, Azalar, Wilbur, Vivica, Joon