Magni emblems, which path? Defense or offense [non-costumed]

If I were to emblem him, I would go all offense. I would be in this order: attack>hp>defense. The extra hp is a bit of cushion against DoT damage. I am not embleming him right now because he is contending with Kingston, BT, and Panther on my main for fighter emblems.

I’m going attack/defense/health…emblems on defense/health won’t help him too much, so I’m going for as much damage as possible. His +64% defensive buff is already good enough to help him survive IMO.

I only have 63% defensive buff…did I miss something? Also, I assume either the health or defense stat somehow ties into his ability to revive. Which ties in more? Health or Defense? There is so much about the mechanics of this game that is so ambiguous…