I promise to keep this simple. All of the math is done for you by a calculator.
We are gonna calculate the odds of pulling 1 or more event 5s (s for star) from the Magic Tower Portal (Summon) in however many pulls you want.
**Caution: this tutorial only works for the Magic Tower Portal (Summon), NOT ANY OTHER SUMMON—the numbers are different for those and explaining them would make me remove the “for Idiots” from the title just kidding, but it would be rather lengthy that way.
Clues to make this easy
In the steps below: Names of the input fields on calculator tab are in bold, the numbers that you type into that field are in italics. For you visual ppl, in each step, the number in italics you need to type in the hand-scribbled yellow box in the corresponding pic given at the bottom of the step.
Also, you only need to open a single calculator tab in step (1), use the same calculator tab in all steps.
Step (1) Open the calculator in another tab and accept the cookie thing then scroll down a little it to this part of the webpage:
Step (2) Type the number 0.013 the top input field labeled “Probability of Success on a Trial” on the calculator tab as shown in this pic:
Step (3) Note: In this step, the numbers in italics are example numbers to type in, you will need to come up with a number yourself (and this is the only number you have to think of yourself, I give three simple examples of this number later in this step).
On the calculator tab in the input field labeled “Number of Trials” type the number of pulls you want to consider (the one you need to come up with yourself). Examples: (a) so if you have 2600 gems to spend then that’s a 10x pull, so type 10 here, just like the pic; (b) if you have 1300 tower coins you wanna use, that’s 13x pulls, so type 13 here; (c) if you’re with # no spend , and you saved no gems and have no free pulls saved, type 0 here )
In the pic for this step I choose 10 to be the number you need to come up with yourself
Step (4) In the input field labeled “Number of Successes (x)” type the number 1.
Step (5) Click the blue “Calculate” button at the bottom on the calculator tab as shown below:
Step (6) Read the the odds (ie the answer) off the output field labeled “Cumulative probability P(X >= 1)” on the calculator tab as shown in the below example to be
[which uses 10 for the number you come up with yourself in step (3)]
Note: that unless you used 10 for your number of pulls to consider in step (3), your number will generally be different from the example answer 0.12266
Last thing to do is shift the decimal two places to the right in the answer and tack on the %-symbol at the end. So for our example,
0.12266 —> 12.266%
**If decimals aren’t your thing, simply type the decimal got from the calculator tab this step (eg 0.12266) into the calculator app on your phone (not the webpage we’ve been using all along), multiply it by 100 and press the “=“ button. Shown below is what you see after pressing the “=“ button:
<End of Steps>
Let’s talk about what this percentage means a bit. If you wanted to tell your guildie the odds we just calculated in the example, you’d say that,
The chances of pulling one or more event 5s (s for star) from the Magic Tower Portal in 10 pulls is 12.266%.