Looking for some very dedicated but not obsessive people

Level 55 . Always use flags or opt out . Always hit tian and do well enough to be A/B/C tier on 11-12 star titans . In a full alliance I average about 200 war points so somewhere in the middle . I am looking for an active alliance full of awesome people who are organized and work well together .

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Check out Empire Elite.

I highly recommend Twilights Bastion

Great people there ; responsible but not obsessive.

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Hiya, unsure what your roster and troops are like but if you’re interested you can reach out to me or another 7D ally recruiter:

Summary of 7D Alliances:

Our Discord: Seven Days Gaming

Our Forum thread: Join the Seven Days Family (Departed, Ascended, Hunting, Condemned, Reborn, Emerged & Uprising!)

Main Recruiter: @littleKAF


You’ve already got some fantastic offers, throwing out another option for you to consider… TBD part deux. Titans capped @12*, daily active players, a core group who’ve been together a while. @Macaque1902

GL with your decision making.


Bad Boards have room for you if you want to join us, hitting 11-12% titans, no OTT war strategy just do your best!

Discord server too, message me on there NDubja#0831 or just join us in game :slight_smile: Bad Boards, Leader: InfiniteIan

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Feel free to come and check out TBD: Part Deux. @Sarah2 has kindly linked to our recruitment ad. One final space available with us. Everyone will say this about their alliance, but it’s genuinely a fun place to be! We will make you feel welcomed :slight_smile:


EAST OF THE EQUATOR is a family of 5 alliances with an extensive library of game tips and advice.
We are very dedicated but understand real life issues. We are very proud of our 100% use of flags.
The library mentioned above would be yours to keep and use rather you join us or not.we have over 800 members sharing it as of now.
Just hit the link below, it brings you to our welcome channel, and we can have a chat.


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Hey there! I am the Leader of Rockets Red Glare. We have a lot of fun and ZERO drama. Most of our members have been with us for over a year. Folks stop in to try us out and end up finding a home with us. We are fighting 9-11 Star Titans. We do not use Line or Discord. We are “real life first” but are all very dedicated. We are very active in sharing gained and learned knowledge while helping each other grow. In fact it’s one of our rules that more experienced players must share our knowledge. Check us out! Fight a Titan of two and stick around for War. We have a great time. Just use all 6 Flags for War beat down Titans and try your best. You would be a welcome addition and I can guarantee you honest answers to any questions you may have.

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Hi @Se77en

We a cool bunch from all over I’m from england (Australia Canada USA is majority few else here and there) competitive but also casual bit of effort is all we ask. Use all war flags if in war that is optional. Hit the titan as much as possible. Any problems just let someone know we don’t have to know details.
Line chat is available. (discord too)
@ me on here if you have any questions.

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