Hello, this is the first time I am doing this and not quite sure if I am doing it right, but Chillin Rogues are looking for mercs to help kill the titan. Ty
For future reference, this is more difficult to do during an active War. A significant number of potential helpers would not leave their Alliance between the time a War starts and ends, although there are still plenty of players who are not in an Alliance. But something to keep in mind.
I find posting on Global Chat for mercs is the most efficient and timely way of getting mercs. List the titan level, colour and HP remaining.
As @Lippy stated, mercs are harder to find during alliance wars but there are players who choose not to belong to an alliance that might be able to help. GL
Thank you, and I will do everything you said in the future. Ty again.
This, and specifically the Peer Support tab, in the in-game Global Chat. You may have to block some chatty Cathys in order for the room not to be a self-scrolling nightmare, but sometimes it’s slow enough to post without blocking.
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