We are a supportive, laid back, and chatty alliance. Plenty of silly banter to be had over here! As long as you put forth an effort on titans and use all war flags (when opted in), you will fit right in.
We are currently ranked 819 globally.
*Line required
message me on line allnamesalreadytaken
or look us up and send invite “M.O. Modus Operandi”
That would be awesome! We have one spot left. If you have any questions you can message me at line id: allnamesalreadytaken
Or you can message my leader, line id: Ace-is-cool (it will show up as Ace Applesauce)
Ill also try to remember to check back here in case you don’t have line…
I suggest you edit your first post with the screenshot with the new requirements, so recruits might find it easier when they’re checking several Alliances threads.