I don’t have either of them but if I had to pick, I’d go dom. Oba has the advantage of speed but with so many dispellers available, you won’t get much out of his special.
Could be waaayyy off track. So I’ll be interested in hearing other opinions as well.
Another vote for Domitia. Sabina is your only other Dark dispeller, and Sartana your only other Dark sniper. Domitia will fit in nicely here. I have more trouble fighting against her in Raids, than I do Obakan.
I also have Domi and not Obakan, but Domi has done well in my late War teams.
She could also be useful against Titans, especially Holy ones, with her Holy defense+
No. Grimble is so nieche. He is not too good as he has to let enemy fire first before he becomes good. Domita would be my pick out of these 3. when you get mana troops to lv23 it‘s a nice setup with Sartana Dom Victor for raids
@Clog as @Maaeetz mentioned, Grimble is incredibly niche and I would personally save him for 5 star very fast tourneys cause the blind resistance could come in handy.