==Team Chat==
New skill roll equation is [#00FF00] +1% x Number of stars x ( 2 if same color, else 1 )[#][#FFD700] x ( 5 if max tier & max level, else 1)[#] So max tier, max level only needs ten 2* heroes or five 2* same color heroes or one duplicate for +100%
Until you are 8/8, the level button stays ( for several versions now ) you just get no Hero XP. Until v18, 10x 2* same color only gave you a 40% skill roll and zero XP. With v18 you get +200% ( if you split them into two groups of 5x 2* same color.
You must be 8/8 max tier, max level ( Example: 8/8 3* 3.50 ) to unlock the talent grid in your hero‘s predetermined class. Once unlocked, you use class Emblems, food & Iron to unlock levels in the hero’s class.
[#FF0000] REMEMBER skill roll over 100% is wasted, so only use ONE duplicate at a time.
New version is live !!! [#00FF00] my Brienne is now 8/8 3* 3.50 [#] thanks to new max tier max level skill roll and three duplicates ( +100% per duplicate).