Lepiota vs Seshat..Which one to choose?

I only have 6 tabards. I’m having a tough time to decide which one to ascend first. Your inputs will be appreciated.

Other purple heroes that fully levelled are Ursena, Sartana, Malicna and Freya.

I have both. Lepiota is at +20 while I’m still leveling Seshat. Which one you level depends on what you need.

Lepiota is awesome on offense and in events like the Ninja Tower, where she can make enemies disappear while charging your specials. But she isn’t any good on defense (I tried her for a bit, got smoked a lot, replaced her with Killhare).

Seshat is good for offense, and is definitely a force on defense. I’ve lost a few raids and tourney battles with her as the last one standing. Her minion replicate special sucks when you’re attacking her. And if you get a hero like Freya or Frosth to pair with her it’s a devastating combo.

Hope that helps. They’re both good heroes, so good luck in your choice :grin:

Edit: Just noticed you said you have Freya. Missed that the first time I read your post :crazy_face:


I would max Lepiota. Seshat is one of a kind but I think ghosting tiles is better on offense. I haven’t came across too many Lepiotas in raids.

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Thanks…eventually will levelling both but it’s really take a lot of time to gather another 6 tabards

I hv tested Lepiota and it’s fun to use

Lepiota is a blast to use, I use her in wars and events all the time. Like I said, offensively she’s awesome, she’s just not very good on defense (her skill is too random). Which is why @Didnt-Get-A-Massage hasn’t seen many during raids. You really can’t go wrong with either, but again it depends on what you need the hero for :+1:t2:

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Based on the feedbacks…I leaning towards Lepiota now

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I don’t have Lepiota, so I can’t give you any feedback there. But, as others have said, Seshat is an incredible hero that excels at just about every facet of the game. She’s a great wing on defense. Great sniper/debuffer on offense. Those replicating minions are too much fun. (My favorite thing in the game is stealing her minions with Gefjon when I run into her on raids). I use her against yellow titans as well as I beefed her up to +20 and got her attack up to 887.

From what everyone else is saying, Lepiota is great on offense but not defense. So it seems like Seshat might be the better all-around hero.

FYI: She was my left wing on defense forever, but has recently been replaced by Bera. I run rainbow so only room for one dark hero. :frowning:

100% seshat I can’t believe anyone is suggesting otherwise!!! And yes I have both, Seshat is a beast

So I have a Seshat with 20 emblems and I love her. But… I might choose Lepiota.

As good as Seshat is she is still a sniper, debuffer with stats that are no longer best in the game due to the stat power creep from new seasons and heroes.

On defence I still use her but her most effective defence spot used to be healing aid wars where she could win from the wing due to her minions replicating and keeping her alive till the healing aid would kick in. The new range of Defence with Bera and Freya mean she has less of a place. Outwith those there are other options like Moreau, Killhare and Onyx, Dark Lord that can be at times on a par or better in defence.

I think in another 6months to a year or so she will become similar place to Lianna. Great sniper, but not first choice anymore.

If I had Lepiota currently along with Seshat at 1/1 I think I’d go Lepiota first. (Would do Seshat straight after though)

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Thanks for your feedbak…but its a tough part as both has it’s pro and cons…gosh !

Hi, I don’t own Seshat, but I’m lucky enough to get not 1 but 2 Lepiota.
Since I maxed my first Lepiota, I find raids funnier. It’s incredibly easy to wipe out tanks, taunters (oh hi Krampus and Black Knight), and make some battles easy wins.
I don’t say that Seshat is a bad hero, but Lepiota is (to my opinion) another kind of beast in offense.

I deeply love my Lepiota. I don’t have Seshat and I know she is a good hero, but still I would max Lepiota first. She is unique hero.

I have both maxed, each at +11; I maxed Lepiota first. She completely neutralizes PITA defensive heros (e.g., BK, Krampus, Alfrike, C.Vivica, etc) – essentially you can count on any non-Monk class hero getting ghosted for 4 turns; the target is receiving a considerable amount of DOT over those 4 turns too. I have found ghosting heros to be more valuable than the debuff (IMO, there is no substitute for completely removing a hero from the game). Her passive skill is a nice touch too, keeping her alive longer. I have a second Lepiota and she will be getting my next set of Tabs.

Thanks for all the feedbacks. I think I will proceed with Lepiota first as she provides a different role to my attack team. Thanks everyone :pray::pray:

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