LB of Yellow 5* Heroes

Poseidon, Neith, Onatel or Hanitra, Malosi. Or save it for Lidenbrock?

  • Poseidon
  • Neith
  • Onatel
  • Hanitra
  • Lidenbrock
  • Malosi

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Your advice is needed, please.

I have all of these heroes except Malosi.

Prof seems to fall behind in keeping upagainst newer heroes. She can’t purge fiends or outheal incoming spikey damage on her own.

Onatel suffers same fate. She can’t stall the enemies as good as she could a while ago and her damage is low for this age.

Hanitra might worth it “only if” you don’t have a better dodger (Kadilen C. or Bastet) and you intend to setup a defense team with her.

Poseidon is a bit outdated for the damage part too.

Neith has aged the best among this list, and she got buffed recently. She has some extremely useful hidden perks, like the little mana gain from elemental link, and mana steal protection. You can LB her without a regret.

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I have Lidenbrock and I use her almost every war. I would say she is still great with priority cleanse. She indeed suffers in some formats like Equalizer. And indeed sometimes it’s hard for her to keep up by herself with the new huge damage dealers, but I always use two healers, so she doesn’t need to do everything alone.

I would however prioritize offensive heroes for limit breaking and I think that Nieth or Onatel need it more, since they are much older heroes as well

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