Hey everyone, I’m feeling like it may be time to lb one of the above. Quick thoughts of mine, Thor and Malosi come to every yellow 3-stack but wouldn’t make my defense, and I am looking to place said chosen hero on my defense.
I see no reason to replace Zhuge Liang on your defense. Any of those choices would be a downgrade in my opinion. With that being said, and with the heroes you have already LB’d, this is a purely luxury option and I would go with whoever you enjoy using the most. Of those, my choice would be Malosi as I use him a crazy amount in raids. Doesn’t matter if he would make your def team as you already have that sorted so have some fun.
Horus or Neith? If you ever change defense to a different colour tank you need to replace Zhuge.
Whoever you play with the most would still be a good argument to pick by.
Really anyone but Thor makes sense for one thing or another…