EHT #3 paid off! Been running Nature TC for a few days in hopes that I’d get him. This is as far as I could get before running out of food. Glad to add him to the roster for sure. Good luck to everyone else trying to pull him.
the offers am sure of are 1st sat of each month
offer when challenge event starts
offer when AR starts
Steve I feel you pain after 151 pulls last month and only getting elena and albe am fuming. I have 18 ehts and am sitting on my fingers and typing to you with my nose, cause I know I should wait for event to use tokens. But am struggling right now and can feel myself reaching out to the summons gate arghhhhhhh
First time ever… used to 30 pulls min… 1st token. Yiiihaaa. Now if someone knows how he Works with LotL and of 3 70 is good enough… need tonics …
Just joining the crowd of “eh I’ll try one pull and see what happens.” Did a blue elemental.
Karil. 3*
Ah well.
Still better than me and my Graymane
Gonna wait for the seasonal event to spend my EHTs. Also have 3k gems waiting for atlantis, if I don’t get him before that.
Started playing in October 2017, got my only HotM in October 2018 (Aegir), so maybe the RNG gods will bless my on my anniversary again?
It’s long overdue after not getting any of the other HotMs I tried summoning
I have 18 EHT’s saved up for Vampires. Here’s to hoping one brings Kingston. I need a 5* Green sniper badly (Elkanen, you don’t count!)
Used 1 eht just because…
Friar Tuck…
I’ll go try 1 more because of this thread.
Edit: Jahangar… Wait for Morlovia it is!
This is a very good post bringing people back to reality. LOL.
Though congratulations to those who manage to pull him.
To bring about this kind of effect… demm this game is scary.
Many people very excited for him, me - not so much. His early version was much stronger, with attack debuff applying to all enemies.
I still consider him strong but redundant with my already maxed Zeline for -attack. He would be natural replacement for Lianna as a green sniper, but that’s it. Might as well max Liana who I still have at 3.70. I don’t think he is that strong to go mad about him.
Very good hero for multiple purposes.
Yes, i don’t see Zeline users go crazy after him, but all the others should really give a shot.
This is what I’ve been curious about. I’m lucky enough to have Zeline, so I’m not sure how much to go after Kingston. The resistance to burn would be great with all the GMs out there. Besides that, not sure how much of an upgrade he is over Lianna if you have Zeline.
I’d be curious if any beta testers could comment on how well he works with Zeline.
Can anybody confirm or not confirm the following theory:
If i pair Kingston with del and the del minions hit a target under Kingstons effect…Count the minion damage as hit an reduce the damage for 4%? or not
You can replace del with any other minion summoner
That should work.
They trigger Khiona’s attack increase, and Athena’s defense decrease too.
Yes, the burn resistance is great and so is his Fighter class.
In attack i think all the people still prefer snipers, so i would say Kingston > Zeline.
In defence the opposite, since AoE is really great for status, and Zeline even dispel.
Close call.
Probably collectors still want him for wars, but if your budget is not so high, save it for another.