Happy cake day, it doesnt show a cake near your name currently maybe cause am using a mobile?
Also i thought you joined the forum on the october 2??
Anyhow getting back at the topic
He will be a great addition to my green mono (evelyn, zeline, liana, KS, MN) which is i usually attack with in all my raids, unless i want to reach top10 as am messing another fast sniper
For emblems i dont think i will pull any from delialah to give it to him, maybe if completely removed her from my war and raid defense team will give him some
Overall i believe he will be great hero and i wont do any summon now will wait till challenge event or AR
Hoping like heck to get him 10 EHTs waiting. 5 Atlantis Summons with hopefully another 7 or so by Oct Atlantis since I’ll finish S2… 5k gems, hoping to get enough for a 30 pull for AR… that should give me a decent chance at him.
Is it worth it to wait for Halloween to use tokens? I’ll have to research Victor and the crew. I’m impatient and have surprised even myself by saving these EHTs up
Oh yes, I always refer to the numbers that you generously provide… so I’m mentally prepared for that I’ve been extremely lucky with HOTMs since starting Grazul is the first I haven’t got, but I haven’t chased her at all. Hopefully it will return when I chase Kingston.
Also, I’m considering waiting all the way until AR to pull - then I could save my EHTs for Xmas, should I be fortunate enough to pull King via an AR pull.
Just pulled Kingston on a single elemental pull… first try. I think I shouldn’t do any Atlantis pulls later this month since I must’ve used all my luck just now. I think he’ll be a great stack with Evelyn and Lianna.
i was trying to save my EHT till halloween but i couldnt help my self specially that i already got victor and 2 vlads maxed so i did 15 EHT pulls and guess what??? 2 chaos and the rest is 3* with no bonus draw
i hope i can get him during AR as i dont think i will summon with gems in the challenge event
Checked this thread and saw the lucky posters snagging him right away, usually never do regular summons but thought that alright then, just the one summon and just this once…
I couldnt wait and after 140+ pulls to get Miki, 60+ pulls still not to get a Grazul i thought my hotm luck is due for a change.
Results of 55 pulls…no Kingston (did get an insarnia though)
This game is painful at times so writing this post to keep people from getting excited by the fortunate few.
I havnt given up on him but hoping e&p have some crazy good offers coming out this month lol