★ King of North ★ is looking for experienced teamplayers. Top 100 wars and MT’s

King of the North is looking for 2 seasoned teamplayers to join our great crew of longtime members.
We expect our members to be supportive and follow our simple rules and strategies.
Troops 29-23-17 Mana- Magic or Styx
Decent roster of high emblemed/ LB1 heroes for war teams
Min. 1-2 LB 2 heroes for war defense

Our goal is to stay competitive in the top 50-70 in wars and for MTs.

We enjoy being a drama- free, laid back, but yet top competitive alliance, allowing members to build at own pace and not getting stressed about new features/heroes, high performance or spending in game. Real life comes first. Tell leaders if you need an opt out or step for a break, member returning from a break, will get the first spot available.

To reach our goals and do our best as a team, we rely on great teamwork and friendly communication. Our highest priority is to help each other grow , have fun in game and make the best of what we got.

Check us out in game or message on Line: Julia- north

We are a part of the big Northern family of alliances. KotN have been playing in top 100 since 2017, one of the few original top Alliances left, since start of game.
Several of our members have been staying in the alliance or family for years.

You are also welcome to reach out, if you are in an alliance or group of friends interested in joining our family together…
More of our alliances at all levels, are flexible for small merges or to prioritize coordinations of friends to join the same team.



It’s been two or more years… But i joined one of the north alliances as a war merc… Chatted a bit… Shared my roster… Went to bed… And in the morning there i was cold and alone… Locked out of joining any war. I’m not casting aspersions…

Just saying the north remembers…

Really? I do not recall King of the North ever have kicked a merger if accepted to stay for war or communicating in Line. If a recruit is not qualified, or the spot is reserved, we will tell them in game and ask them to reach out in Line to help them find a fit spot in the family.
Which alliance was you in?

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1st time i’m hearing anything negative about the North fam, may just be a misunderstanding, we’ll see…

Ah so it’s true … welcome back @Rigs


It was years ago… I don’t have all the details… just the resentment. I’m sure y’all are great… Just not my limited experience.

Julia immediately trying to solve a problem from years ago with almost no information to work with should give you an indication of the kind of leader she is and the alliance she runs.

One of the kindest alliance leaders in the top 100 you will ever find and there is truly no drama within the alliance. Everyone is more than happy to hold a Titan for as long as necessary until all members have a chance to hit, and there is always open communication for war and expectations for alliance events.

Join with confidence.


Looking for 2 after war


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King of the North is looking for some additions to our great crew of longtime members.
We expect our members to be supportive and follow our simple rules and strategies.
Troops 29-23-17 Mana- Magic or Styx
Decent roster of high emblemed/ LB1 heroes for war teams
Min. 1-2 LB 2 heroes for war defense

Our goal is to stay competitive in the top 50-100 in wars and for MTs.

We enjoy being a drama- free, laid back, but yet top competitive alliance, allowing members to build at own pace and not getting stressed about new features/heroes, high performance or spending in game. Real life comes first. Tell leaders if you need an opt out or step for a break, member returning from a break, will get the first spot available.

To reach our goals and do our best as a team, we rely on great teamwork and friendly communication. Our highest priority is to help each other grow , have fun in game and make the best of what we got.

Check us out in game or message on Line: Primegladiator or Tobovian

We are a part of the big Northern family of alliances. KotN have been playing in top 100 since 2017, one of the few original top Alliances left, since start of game.
Several of our members have been staying in the alliance or family for years.

You are also welcome to reach out, if you are in an alliance or group of friends interested in joining our family together…
More of our alliances at all levels, are flexible for small merges or to prioritize coordinations of friends to join the same team.


Some unexpected exits, so we have room at the moment :grin:

Room also in some of our sister alliances if you want less or more relaxed gaming, and we can then also adjust to your level of comfort



We have a few spots open for strong players who like to play in a stress free environment. The North calls upon you for support!

Contact primegladiator or ShortFuze18 on Line


I’m sorry that happened to you. I doubt it was on of the Wolves alliances because we don’t operate that way.

it’s been a while. I think venting here helped remove any tension I was still harboring…


I’m glad to hear this @2puttshaqur

I’m not quite sure how and why it happened! It’s so not KotN attitude! Everyone’s given an opportunity and if a member doesn’t fit into a particular alliance, they are directed to sister alliances! So, sorry to hear that!

They are absolutely wonderful! Supportive, knowledgeable, relaxed and fun! Best gang around!

I had to take a break from the game due to personal circumstances, but I couldn’t recommend KotN highly enough!

I’m proud to be part of the family!

So if anyone’s looking for a fantastic alliance, KotN is the place!

True Kings of the North :green_heart:

Miss you guys

If I return back to the game, I’m heading straight back home :green_heart:


Good to have you back @Luna!

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Filling up again, but still room for some more :grin:

If King of the North is to high or low for your level, we have other alliances in the family that might suit you better, so don’t hesitate to reach out