ℹ King Arthur – 5* Ice/Blue from Knights of Avalon

I will take Iris out and use Arthur. EDD along with Jott and Miki will land nukes on red titans

Also he will be good on Mythic titans when they dont have protection against DD/ EDD

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Thanks mate, looks like it’s settled then.

Leaves me wondering what to do with Iris, Glenda and a few classic S1s who aren’t doing much except taking up roster space.

Although I have a soft spot for them all from different timeframes in the game that I’ve been playing.

Iris is very good hero. Fast and turn over turn dispel is priceless. I missed her. She will age well. Glenda is situational and not a game changer though

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Yeah they missed something with Glenda, shame.

She is on my potential list along with a couple maxed Thornes and a Magni if necessary for SE.

Thanks again everyone I’ll leave it there because otherwise I’ll seriously go off-topic further ……again!

I’ll lvl up Arthur :+1:t2:

Glenda is decent enough with that cleanse

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Yes she is, but for me personally she doesn’t get a lot of use.

I like the art they did though reminds me of Shrek

I just got this guy from HA10. Is he still good and worth maxing? Blue is actually my weakest
I have C Perseus already for EDD but 2 heroes wouldn’t hurt

Considering you have c Perseus, I don’t see a use of him for you other from MT.
I use him at 3/70 for red titans and that’s it. If ascension materials were not in the equation, I would probably max him instantly. Since I need scopes, blades and tomes for better heroes, I wont

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Its just tome of tactics that i lack. I have Sneferu and Lord Loki first before anyone else

I have Sorrow, Porthos, 2 M Lepus and Gaillard before him…so I won’t ascend Arthur

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Is this hero still relevant today at least for titans instead of nordri? In other words should i pick him from fated summon?

I will consider him still relevant for Titans…depending on your titan rarity, could be useful even at 3/70 over Nordri.


I have cPerseus but still hold on to my King Arthur in hopes he gets a costume soon and becomes really great and useful again

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