Quit your job, quit E&P. Build a cabin in the woods somewhere. Don’t worry about game or leaderboards or money or anything else ever again. She will wake you up every morning with fresh pancakes and her beautiful voice, as all the friendly woodland creatures gather around.
You will never be #1 on E&P leaderboards, or chief executive assistant to the CFO in your company… but you will soon forget about all of that, as you become surrounded by the melody of her singing combined with the chirping of happy sparrows, the soothing sounds of a relaxing waterfall in the distance, and the comforting warmth of the early morning sun beaming down on your shoulders between the canopies of the forest above…
“This…” you will say to yourself, as you sip your freshly brewed coffee, your stomach comfortably filled with the most delicious, light and fluffy pancakes you’ve ever had the pleasure of consuming, “this… is living, right here.”
Then you will spend a few hours in the afternoon chopping lumber for the evening fire. And you and the young lady will spend the evening exchanging life stories over hot cocoa before a roaring fire, until retiring to each other’s arms in a warm fur bed.
And as the days and weeks and months go by, you will soon learn to forget about “those other heroes”, whatever their names were. Just as you will learn to forget about titans and trophies and tournaments and all of that other rat race nonsense.
Sorry. Got lost in my own imagination. What were we talking about again?
I’m assuming that those hundreds of pulls were probably spread across several different portals, not just event summons. But for this particular event:
I have done hundreds of pulls myself (spread across different portals - events, Atlantis, Valhalla, etc.)… and I’ve pulled very few non-vanilla heroes.
Those hundreds of pulls are my challenge and seasonal event pulls. And yeah its pretty ridiculous. On my atlantis or Costume pulls, i got lucky sometimes, but never on the event ones.
Me neither…already have Telli and just the other day ascended Zeline because of her great synergy with Tell on offense…I’ll maybe wait for my 12th tonic and decide then…when I get Lianna til then I’ll choose her…otherwise it’s between Morgan and Lady…
But now without joking…on summons this game comes and goes in waves…when you are already frustrated after single pulls it’s not a good sign…f.e. I pulled for Gravemaker on Atlantis a ton…but it wasn’t disappointed because I know the odds…I pulled a ton on season and still don’t have a single S3 5*…and look on my pull today…2! event 5* in a 10x…I’m a lot happier since I corrected my expectations to pulls or ascension materials…set targets that are reachable and reasonavle and you will be happy I promise you…
If you really expect Dawa then why are you doing pulls at all? If you really expected dawa then you would only do troop summons because it gives you power no matter what. That expect nothing is simply bs, everyone does pulls because they expect to get something good from them. So no i wouldnt say the key is lowering expectations, the key is dealing with whatever you get from those summons. Im one of the unluckiest people in my alliance constantly seeing others pulling S3 and event 5*s with single pulls while i get literally only feeders but im still here playing quite successfully. Managing with what i got. Yeah i got pretty good heroes too, but most of the time i get nothing of value but i can deal with it.