Joon or Poseidon?

So I have Drake at 80 already and would probably need some other fast hero to pair him with…I was thinking either Poseidon or Joon but can’t decide which one first…

I like buffs more than pure hitting and would go with Posy. It also depends on your bench and desires I think.


Poseidon is superior in stats and great defensive support with blocking bad mana ailments. Both have basically the same attack but Joon is more frail.

On the other hand, blindness is a great ailment to cast, and that’s where Joon has the upper hand.

Both are great as snipers in defense teams, both are great against titans, and both are amazing during event quests (Pirates of Corellia mainly).

You’ve got a tough choice. But it’s a good problem to have. Although you can never have too much blindness, you do already have Drake casting that, so I personally lean towards Poseidon.


To add to this, class wise, Joon and Drake are the same (monk), so long term it might be more beneficial to have Poseidon maxed as a fighter class (depending on what he competes with there for you). Also, I need more stuff to steal with hatter, so Poseidon it up. :slight_smile:


I’d normally say Joon, but since you already have Drake who fills the same niche as a fast mana blinding hero, I think Poseidon is better.


I was thinking the same …Poseidon it is then :slight_smile: thx for the advice everyone

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so is poseidon meeting your expectations? where did you place him in your lineup

first if you had or plan to have Ariel , Poseidon would be better choice , 5% Def is quite something.
second you need to consider Emblem , Drake is Monk , same as Joon.

answer : Poseidon

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Poseidon since you have drake, otherwise Joon - he’s been great at blinding titans since I got him.


He works well in war and offensive raids…with Jackal he is deadly…