Jean-François – 5* Fire/ Red - February 2020 HOTM (Hero of the Month)

Gravemaker - Telluria - Vela are the golden trio.

JF - Telluria - Vela are the bronze trio lol


Who fits in the Silver slot?

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Still waiting for your Silver trio.

I was pretty surprisded by this JF with 520 burn damage over 2 turns - lvl 30 troops increase DoT. My team was burnt up in no time.
I am still thinking to give my JF rings, but will probably do at some point.


Held up well. Won 18 of the last 31 on defense. Held 2650+ cups.


That’s on defense though. He’ll be weaker on offense and I’d personally never max a 5* just for my defense team — unless they incentivize cups past 2400


Black Knight - Telluria - Vela??

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Emblems make the difference too, going sword path the whole way.

How do you figure the number for defense? My JF is doing 390 on offense. Would be nice to know the def number if it changes…

Drak Fong, Ursena, Black Knight

I think it’s something like you get a 20% attack bonus on defense? Someone can chime in with more certainty though


I added 6 attack nodes to JF and he now deals 320 damage to all.

On offense, with my level 23 mana troops, JF deal 412 damage to all.

On defense, a 20% bonus will bump that to over 500, somewhere around 520.

I know many people find him underwhelming, but I can see why the original variant was considered OP. Over 1000 damage to each while on defense, and over 800 on offense would be devastating to teams without a cleanser at the right time.


Just a stupid question… Where does the defense 20% bonus came from?

Defense teams get a 20% stat bonus on attack, defense and health. Compare the stats of a hero before you start a raid and during the raid to see what I mean.

Oh! Didn’t know that! But I remembered before I did reverse calculate, thought those figure were from troops is it not? So the 20% is on top of troops as well?

Here it is explained pretty well with a GM example: Understanding DoT (Damage over Time)

Troops do impact DoT.


JF pre-nerf everyone poured their hearts out for him to be nerfed, now he’s nerfed and everybody hates JF…be careful what you ask for, just might get it LOL

I just came to laugh. Carry on.


Yes. I’ve read that before. But @BigLordF mentioned that defense teams get a 20% stat bonus on attack, defense, and health. I’ve raided to see it myself and calculate it, I can verify those stats added with troop. But I can’t see all hero on defense team having 20% stat bonus on attack, defense, and health. Unless he means those 20% comes from troops.

Two small notes about this:

  • The bonuses are to Attack and Defense, but NOT Health

  • The bonuses aren’t listed in the displayed stats; we’ve inferred their existence based on DoT adjustments and damage calculation

I coincidentally just posted about that here: