Is there any resource out there that lists

Sorry if this is a silly question, but is there any resource out there that lists all the current/available heroes from each season/family (e.g. all gargoyles, all bards, all goblins, all S5)?

I was thinking about this with the SE coming around, like how many gaps I have from each family but I wasn’t sure where to easily find this info (apart from relying on my memory lol). There are topics with partial families because new releases are announced in separate topics, but nothing consolidated as far as I’m aware.

I could be wrong and if there’s nothing that’s totally fine, I was just curious! Thanks :pray:

EDIT: On second thoughts, does the BF summon list include all heroes as I could use that?

:eyes: Data vault :eyes:

EDIT: the BF summon list includes every heroes in the game except S1, costumes and heroes from the Mystery family (Myztero and Enigmo), and obviously 1 and 2* and trainer heroes. But it’s also refreshed only once a year (or twice if you count in the Summer Solstice which is exactly the same as BF, just with a different theme but the game logic is 100% identical).


feel free to give a look at

but for the data itself, yes, the @Elioty33’s Data Vault is an incredible source :slight_smile:


Thank you both, those are useful resources I didn’t already know about :heart:


Nynaeve raven’s site is great! Thank you so much

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