Is there a more powerful Treevil equivalent?

Hey, folks:

Treevil is my most treasured hero; I fully emblemed him and even have begun limit-breaking him (he’s the only one I’ve even contemplated limit-breaking), as he’s fantastic (in spite of his “very slow” special skill).

As I outgrow a lot of my heroes, I feel kinda sad that there will likely come a point when he’s relegated to three-star tournaments, but then I remind myself: there’s likely an epic or even legendary hero who serves the same purpose! Am I right? If I am, tell me who to hope to pull some day to replace him, wouldja? Maybe if I think about that hero, I can help “manifest” him! :smiling_face:

Thanks for any suggestions; if I know there’s a more powerful Treevil somewhere in my future, that’ll likely keep me playing!

(While I’m here, I’ll share a “tip” that may be entirely useless, but thus far has been true for me 100% of the time (which has been all of four times): The moment the clock turns to a new day in Small Giants’ time zone (which for me is 0300 EST), I’ve noticed that if I do my summoning RIGHT at that moment, I receive the brand-new hero of the month who was JUST released/born/made available. I’ve acquired Kushanku, Caitlin, Alessia … I’ve forgotten the fourth now. Sure, it’s prolly just the RNG being kind to/lucky for me, but I mention this in case there are folks who moan about their pulls. It prolly won’t hurt for you to try this as well in case you, too, luck out and get the newly-born hero. Just watch for the day when a new hero is to be introduced and then sit in the summons portal and when the clock ticks over to the day, pull, and maybe you’ll also be as lucky as I’ve been. Good luck!)


You’ll have to describe what you mean by “equivalent” since there’s nothing that works exactly the same as Treevil. He does damage to all, -attack, -def, -mana to all. If an opponent doesn’t clense those, he’s really crippled. There are lots of de-buffers that “if you don’t cleanse you’re really crippled”.

To my knowledge, Treevil is fairly unique. His spread of skills is so OP, even after his nerf, that im not aware of any at 4 or 5* who do the same. Franz at 4* is something of an outlier too, but not OP like Treevil, just very useful in a range of settings and without a lot of direct competition from other 4*.

I 2LB’d Treevil - brings him close to being a 4* stats-wise. Keeps him alive a little longer so he gets a chance to fire. Worth an aether in my opinion.


The only 3* hero that’s as useful as Treevil that I have found is Faiez. In Rush his big overheal, immunity the ailment and defense up for 3 turns is amazing.


A 4 or 5* Treevil? :dizzy_face: :exploding_head: :scream: :scream: They would likely have to nerf that hero into the ground. To my knowledge, no such hero exists… yet

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm:


a LB2 Shrubbear is a good counter and protection. The bear can soak up the damage and has a chance to dodge the status effect via monk skill.

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Oooh. I checked Shrubbear and it looks as if maybe I can hope to get him some day. Thanks for that! I’ll pin my hopes on getting one unless someone else comes up with a better idea. I appreciate the tip!

@Blem, @ProSper0: Ooch; I hadn’t considered the possibility that a rarer Treevil would kick some major ■■■ (maybe too major). Nuts. Well, perhaps he’ll continue to be useful; after all, I use him against five-stars all the time, so maybe he’ll remain as studly as he is now the more power my heroes and I get.

@Chadmo, I gave up leveling Faiez awhile ago because I already have a green healer (Belith) all emblemed, but perhaps I oughtta look at him again? Thanks for the tip!


GIl-Ra is worth keeping an eye out for too and very gettable. A very underrated and often overlooked 3* hero who is worth the time

Treevil used to be much meaner than he his now. That nerf hammer was horrible but he’s still very useful. Thinking about it, Agrafena is probably the closest 5* equivalent.
Oh and Faiez vs Belith, I use Faiez far more and I think most would too. Belith is useful but if we’re talking about healing only then Faiez wins hands down in my opinion. The two of them together is a very intresting proposition too and can make you very difficult to beat.

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm:


I have 5 fully emblemed and LB. Great for Rush

Kvasir is great, specially if you have his costume. Quasi-heal and stops either minions or buffs. Very good 3*

Also joukahainen with priority dispel, and dawn with her mana-reducing minions

Or edelaide with fast heal and a crazy attack up if you accept the rng involved with accuracy


Among the 4 * perhaps Kalo. A very unique hero.

Ive been thinking about it.

My suggestion at 5* (stay with me here) is this one:

Now before you tell me they are nothing alike, hear me out.

Ninja granny has revolutionised my team.

Overheal / Mana boost for all / defense up for all

I pretty much use her for everything im allowed to (bit like Treevil at 3* tier).

Totally insane combo of skills (bit like Treevil).

Where Treevil is very slow, Myoin Ni’s first charge goes off very fast. Overhealing so early in a fight and boosting everyones mana and defence can keep me alive against some really strong teams. She’s indispensable.


Faiez has better stats and you gotta factor in those passives/ family bonus (which do operate even with only 1 member of the family). 3* are straight forward to level up. You wont regret it.


I’ve got 5 trevils in total, only one fully levelled and want to eventually lvl the others for rush and call my team forrest :laughing:


Unfortunately in tournaments, 5 trees won’t allow you to Run Forrest, Run!



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Unless you’re in the top 300 alliances, you can use a 2LB Treevil as a rush tank. Seriously. Spec him for defense. He’s still great with 10 star and less titans. It will be a while befoee you outgrow him, and even then he’s got some niche value.


How many Shrubbear is too many?

Depends on what you mean by powerful.
I can say felton is very powerful as a 3*, he has a lot of support to survive diamond and you can legit use him on diamond raids to punish any enemies who buffs heavily

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Does anyone even read OP?
OP wants to know about 4* and 5* who are dominant in higher tiers of game same like Treevil is in 3* tier