I see very little online about it in action, any common users to introduce it?Thank you all!
You see very little, because at the beginning he looked like on the card you put. Only 235% damage, and weaker DoT. So no one bothers to write eulogies about him.
After his buff he hits like a truck (360%!) and has really potent corrosive DoT ( my slow Khagan hits for 380%). He’s definitely worth the exchange, and is worth 20 souls.
Ofc, which one you pick depends on your roster and particular needs.
I am still tempted to get him although i dont think i need him.
I lack red defense five stars, only a Jean-Francius, but feel that his strength is a bit insufficient
Recently got this, but feel he is not suitable for the defense
I just exchanged for him - I needed good quality red damage dealer and he certainly fits the bill for me.
Same - I had 4 options and in the end I wrote down all the pros and cons of each option and it helped me land on the firey minotaur. Very happy with my choice - I’ve really only got cKhagan (who I love) as anywhere near a heavy-hitter in red.
If this is your defense team, the bull will be a very good upgrade for your defense team.
You’ll be surprised how strong his hit is, so your opponents.
But the same will be with Morel and Quenell.