You've got red on you (advice and preference request)

I’ve been playing for nearly 4 years. I had an absolute dearth of decent reds for about 18 months and gleefully took Asterius at the last Soul Exchange. Since then have proceeded to pull:

Hypnos (maxed and LB)
Alucard (maxed)

Roughian and Nurgib

All while steadily avoiding other colours. (only one of each over this time!)

So, as I move to F2P and stop buying rings, I have enough for one of the above. Who shall it be?

My shortlist is

*Khufu - he’s Khufu, plus will replace gFalcon on Titans
*Serandite - nasty bugger. Will work well in all scenarios. Especially with Lu Bu (when I get another 4 tabbards).
*Hohenwerf - I’ve always had a soft spot (ironic) for the gargoyles, and mindless attack + fiend will be great offensively.

I don’t have any 5* status blockers - so CVanda was at the front of the queue until the queue just got tanked.

So hive mind, who gets the next set of rings?

If you have problems against healers Serandite, if you value scoring high on titans Khufu, if you want to steamroll defenses Hohenwerf.

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I’d do Serendite or Khufu. Both amazing. Heck, what a list!!


Looks like you’re done with reds for pretty much life anyways. No need to pull anymore. Khufu is not very useful to be honest…he only comes out for VF wars and titans for me.the ninja seems like a good choice, but I’d go with the gargoyle personally. Mindless attack at reasonable speed plus ailment resistance and stoneskin are all gold.

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Congrats! That’s an amazing list.
Khufu - I agree with @Rduke77 that he’s mostly for Rush.
Hohenwerf - While I love all the mindless heroes, Hohenwerf is probably my least favourite as it’s his fiend that causes the mindless attack and can be healed away, destroyed by fiend killer Esme, negated by Gaillard or converted into a friendly minion by Arco. So I reckon he’s better for Offence than Defence.
Serandite - If you’re considering Serandite, compare Serandite’s 2nd charge with Xenda. Personally I love Xenda’s mana steal even though his damage and burn DOT is lower than Serandite’s.

Whichever hero you end up choosing, they are all good choices. It boils down to who adds the most value to your roster. Good luck!

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Thanks, all.

You’re right, all viable choices and all will get rings (assuming I’m playing that long!)

Other thoughts:

My shortlist is purely mine, I’m open for suggestion and persuasion for others on the list.

I was surprised there weren’t more voices in support of Khufu. Although on reflection I don’t really need him for titans so it does take one reason off him.

I do love Onatel and her mana steal, so Xenda is also a good option. Shutting down an entire team seems so valuable. I was going to reemblem Kingston with the next lot of fighter emblems but maybe I’ll prioritise Xenda.

  • Xenda
  • D’Artagen
  • Serendite
  • Otis
  • Khufu
  • Hohenwerf
  • CVanda
  • R & N

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