Hey Lads! I am interested in some input about a defensive setup outside my own alliance and because i am curious if their are some interesting synergies i may be missing. Was using Alfrike as a tank for a year now and am bored of her. So feel free to gibe any suggestions and don’t care about current Emblems as i have enough reset tokens.
Currently i build around a more defensive strategy as this fits my roster better. Albi, C-Krampus, C-Marjana(atack debuff against blue), Lidenbrock, Alfrike
Alfrike, Prof. Lidenbrock, Krampus*, Teluria and Anzogh are your best tank candidates;
Interesting synergies can be Telluria+Frosth but Krampus* is too strong to be left out.
Krampus* and Anzogh can work very well as damaging healer thanks to the stacking attack buff.
Prof. Lidenbrock and Krampus* can offer a very high survivability together, Prof. Libenbrock can also negate your opponent’s Malosi/Mist/Onyx aimed at Krampus.
Overall I think your best defense would be:
Alfrike - Prof. Lidenbrock - Krampus* - Phileas Fogg - Marjana*
Alfrike - Prof. Lidenbrock - Krampus* - Phileas Fogg - Marjana*
Phileas Fogg - Anzogh - Frosth - Prof. Lidenbrock - Alfrike
Alberich - Prof. Lidenbrock - Alfrike - Krampus - Anzogh
Thank you for your feedback! Actually i did not see the synergy between Anzogh and Krampus! So i instantly built an attack team for war and it was really decent.
On defense though with red tanks it did not work that well yet. 2 medium speed heroes and a very slow one is just to slow.
I did play krampus, c-marjana, lidenbrock for some time and got like 10 videos which showed, it does not work good enough. So i switched out liden and put in drake but then there is not enough support for alfrike. Actually i consider double blue with Gravemaker as a tank.
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