Ideal number of members for Alliances

Tiny alliance



For a retirement alliance, 2-5 players are ideal because you can can easily meet harpoon tier 1 and get titan parts.

Good loot


Data over the last two years shows you are giving up the major source of 3* / 4* ascension items and emblems.

4* ascension items

If you can get at least 8* titans, you will get all 7x 4* ascension items on the loot table. No one knows the cut off, but lower level titans give zero ( 0 ) 4* ascension items.


If you can get at least rare 10* titans, you will get significant amounts of emblems.

Links ( edit )

([Query] Does anyone know what loot tier has a chance for Epic Hero token? Or Digging through Support FAQ for Elusive answers about 4* ascension items drop rate)

(Ascension materials are becoming very very rare - #51 by Gryphonknight)