Kill 3 flying ducks and tap the backpack in level 7-22 to get a 5
To drag a wee bit of seriousness in (sorry), the important thing has to be not how to pull any old 5*, but how to get ones that will be more useful to you. There are a few 5* out there that I wouldn’t put in place of a decent 4. (Level Atomos over a duplicate Caedmon? Well, I haven’t.) So be discriminating as to when you pull, think who’s on offer this month/season/event, and use any coins, tokens or gems at that time instead of blowing them as soon as you get them. It still doesn’t mean you won’t get a string of duplicate 3*, but if you ever do get something more it has a chance of being something actually worth having.
Trust me, you don’t want Vivica. Her Mana is classed as slow but should be called glacial. She is a defense only option IMO.
Well… so far the only 5s I have are Richard, Miki, and Obakan… still short a couple of mats for ascending any of them.
Richard seems solid enough, just need a couple more scopes.
Miki is nifty for titans, but I think Richard will be getting the scopes, as he seems to have more utility overall.
Obakan… well… is Obakan.
I just thought Vivica seemed like a good option for yellow, since I like having a healer on my team, and I don’t see myself being lucky enough to pull any non-TC20-able 5* healers anytime soon.
If it is worth anything I regret the resources wasted on her. I could have used them on 4’s for better results. Her special is nice but just don’t expect to be able to activate it more than once in any battle; that’s enough to make her less than useful. Sartana, by contrast I don’t have the mats for and she is stuck at barely more than Balthazar emblembed up strength (calculated as 2 x defence plus attack points)
Well, I do have maxed and emblemed Boldtusk, Melendor, and Rigard, so I’m okay on healers of the 4* variety. I guess BT could still be viable in a 5* roster, but I’d prefer my red hero to be more offense than defense.
All I have for yellow right now is 2 maxed Chaos, a maxed Wu, and a soon to be maxed Li Xiu. I’ve been doing yellow summons every chance I get, hoping for a Viv, Hu, Joon, etc., or even a dupe of the ones I already have. Of course, instead every summon results in Bane, Dawa, Kailani, Gan Ju… ad nauseam. Vivica would be a very welcome and very refreshing change, even if her mana is slower than molasses, it would still be a million times faster than the rate at which I get anything worth getting.
Sorry, not meaning to sound whiny, I know RNG is RNG and there’s nothing we can do about it… I’m just getting tired of getting the same 3* heroes over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Gets annoying after a while.
Totally agree, if i get another Dawa or Karil, I’m going rage whinge. If I I could just get a Wu, my Titan issues would be over.
Wu is a game changer for titans, but Miki is better if you’re lucky enough to have pulled him. I just really need more 4* and 5* yellows all around for my bench as a whole. What I absolutely do not need is any more Kailanis. She obviously has a huge crush on me because she’s been stalking me for almost a year now. Kailani, take the hint! I’m just not that into you!
Bahahaha. Your titan issues will just begin.
They have begun. I made an alliance all for myself where I can practice stacking etc without affecting others and I’m beginning to think I have a severe mental deficit. Vs red I can blitz it most times; other colours less so. Never managed over 32,000 on a single attack.
We all have our weak colors… well… most of us. Yellow is mine.
What level titans are you fighting? And what heroes do you have available?
I had trouble breaking over 20k early on. Now I kick myself when I score below 30k (meh, sometimes it’s just the boards, but I still blame myself anyway).
I am no expert at all, but I might be able to give you some tips that could help.
I have an anxiety disorder and hate letting people down. A one man alliance fights 1* titans. No loot but am hoping to get some reason in my attacks.
You are well more advanced than me. I’m a 31 but got no ascencion mats for 6 months, left my first alliance and got recruited but felt like a pity case and left with an apology after a week with all the mats that gave which were generous. I’m too old to to just take without a contribution in turn.
EDIT: Heroes Sonya, Caedmon and Rigard and Sabina ascended. BT, Gormek Triton another Sonya and a Boril whose special will just not rise. I have the usual greens; Skittles Little J and two Kashies. Red 3* I have most of them including two Azars who I like to double up (and the useless 5* Vivica, Elena and Sartana).
I have about 40 useless heroes 3’s, 4,s and, 5’s. The only one that continues to surprise is a 500+ Valen whose debuff is awesome.
@StephenNap89 I plan on doing one or two pulls. Depends on coins amount on the last day.
Have not got a clue. I must be the worse level 40 in the game, not 1 5 star ascended hero, despite being SH21, running TC20 constantly always get the same rubbish 3 stars that I own multiple times, the game has become a chore, giving up on it if nothing changes soon, definitely not giving any more of my money just to pull the same old rubbish. I see level 20’s with a full 5 star roster this game needs fixing, but nothing is going to be done as long as the devs are making money
Pay to win; a while ago there was a guy who confessed to dropping 40,000 US$ in one year and was dissappointed as he couldn’t get mats for his 20 5*s. If you don’t spend SG seems to dump you in the trash pile.
I use Viv all the time on attack. But then my choices are somewhat limited to the classics.
Aah, Brandenberg Concerto #3
“How to pull 5 stars” - Tutorial:
- Have your gems ready and a beer
- Drink the beer
- Go and… you know, no.1
- Don’t wash your hands
- Use those fingers to click on summoning gate
- Go wash your hands
You forgot rubbing your belly why simultaneously patting your head and winking alternate eyes every two seconds
Somehow was hoping for more beer drinking steps in this ritual