Five-stars heroes

It’s spring in Finland too, your brains defrost, herrings for lunch replaces cyanide, so I ask you: what needs to be done in this game to get five-stars heroes?

buy offers and summons theres a chance but no guarantee, what you need is luck……

basically spend thousand of dollars, you should get one every hundred pulls, a yea but it is not guarantee

It’s rough waiting for 5*, but mine normally come in waves. None for months, then 2 or 3 within a week.

My advice…max the good 4* that you get. Emblem and LB them as well. I’m at Lvl 70 and LOVE some of my 4* heroes and use them regularly in war, even over quite a few of my 5*. Synergy is just as important if you ask me, and mixing in 1 or 2 4* with your 5* is not a death sentence.


Depends on what you want to make of in this game.

If you want a lot of 5* heroes, then you have got to spend a lot of money.

If you do not want to spend money, then it will be a hard slog to get interesting 5* heroes. But getting some 5* heroes is not difficult per se, just building up your Training Camps to Level 20, and you will eventually get 20 different 5* heroes (the basic Season 1 ones), and if you build up the Hero Academy and also have enough duplicates from your TCs, you can get non-Season 1 heroes from retraining in the HA and from the Soul Exchange. Just do not expect much.

If you just want to have fun and not worry about spending, then just play the game diligently, build up TCs and HA, and play in as many events and complete the maps to earn Tower Coins, Challenge Coins, 3 Kingdom Coins, Atlantis Coins, Valhalla Coins, Underwild Coins, Costume Keys, etc., to have a chance to pull non-Season 1 heroes. Since pulling heroes is random, there is no guarantee, but at least you would have tried your best to get them, and you will sooner or later get lucky and get some good non-Season 1 heroes.

Good luck!

Tank you all for replies

U neeeeeed to be very sneaky.


Hiding in the bushes for days not making the slightest noise.

In most cases a 3* will come along, just through some :coin: to take him out. He will then lure the big ones :wink:

And when some 5* comes along, you wait until he turns his back on you. Then


Smog bombs, and one well placed pokeball ( hyperball if you’re rich enough) directly on the back of the head.

:ninja:t2::ninja:t3::ninja:t4: This way you’ll catch’em all!!

I want to give a semi professional answer too, otherwise I’d feel bad :stuck_out_tongue:

In general: pull a lot - get a lot

For me I would estimate that every 30-40 pulls one 5* comes along. Of course sometimes there is 3x 5* in a ten pull plus HotM and sometimes there is just 10x S1 3*.

Every time I do pulls, I do some silver token pulls before just for …. The illusion I guess of a fortunate Random Number Schedule.

I don’t know. I also prefer singles over my tens. Really don’t like 30s

it depends on what kind of 5* do you want? if its plain vanilla s1 5*, then TC20 is your best bet. Expect no more than 1 legendary per month from 2 TC20 running at all time. Sometime you will get 0, but sometime you can get up to 3 in a month.

If you want seasonal 5* (Easter, Sand Empire, Halloween, and Christmas), then your best bet is by collecting all of your EHT for a year, and then use it on your selected event. Expect to get no more than 3 EHT a month, from MV, elemental Chest, or Titan, unless you already have a very good squad to be competitive enough in rare/epic challenge event. so after a year you should be able to pull 36x or more for about 30-50% chance on getting legendary hero.

For challenge event heroes, again you can collect all your coins so you can pull in a bulk amount, or simply pay a lot of money. on every challenge event, you might be able to collect 20-30 coins from completing stages, and monster chest. so about 2-3 free pulls monthly.

For atlantis, valhalla, and underwild, basically if you already complete all stages and use all of your free pulls without any 5*, then your only chance to get the legendary is by the power of money. a lot of money. During Atlantis rises you can collect up to 3 free pulls tho if you are lucky with those seadragon.

So either you use a lot of your money to pay for legendary heroes, or try being nice to other because you need a lot of luck…

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